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SF 18 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to excuse from jury service for persons at least seventy-five years of age.
A senior living revolving loan program fund is created within the authority. The moneys in the senior living revolving loan program fund shall be used by the authority for the development and operation of a revolving loan program to provide financing ...
A home and community-based services revolving loan program fund is created within the authority to further the goals specified in section 231.3, adult day services, case management services, options counseling, family caregiving, homemaker services,...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The authority shall establish and administer a home and community-based services rent subsidy program. Under the program, the authority shall provide rent subsidies to those persons who are approved participants under a home and community-based servic...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
The department of workforce development shall direct and administer the older American community service employment program as authorized by the federal Older Americans Act of 1965, 42 U.S.C. §3001 et seq., as amended. The purpose of the program i...
Boards of directors of school corporations may authorize the use by senior citizen organizations of school meal facilities subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the board. Such use shall not interfere with the use of the facilities for public...
Tagged topics: older persons
A county board of supervisors or county zoning commission shall consider an elder group home a family home, as defined in section 335.25, for purposes of zoning, in accordance with section 231B.4, and may establish limitations regarding the proxim...
The department shall implement elderly wellness services in a manner that ensures that the services provided are not payable by a third-party source.
Tagged topics: older personswellness
If a broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual reasonably believes financial exploitation of an eligible adult has occurred, has been attempted, or is being attempted, the broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual may...
A broker-dealer, investment adviser, or qualified individual who, acting reasonably and in good faith, makes a disclosure of information to the administrator pursuant to this article shall be immune from administrative or civil liability that might ot...