HSB 9 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to assaults on persons engaged in certain occupations including a health care provider, and making penalties applicable.
HF 77 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to practice requirements for surgical technologists.
Tagged topics: health-related professions, surgery
HF 111 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
creating an advanced registered nurse practitioner preceptor tax credit available against the individual income tax, and including applicability provisions.
SF 41 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to a barbering and cosmetology establishment training program.
Tagged topics: barbering, cosmetology, health-related professions, job training, labor and employment, professional licensure
Section 10A.109 Statutory board, commission, committee, or council teleconference option.
2025 Code of Iowa
Any statutorily established board, commission, committee, or council established under the purview of the department relative to “Health-related Professions”, Title IV, subtitle 3, excluding chapter 147A, shall provide for a teleconference option ...
Tagged topics: health-related professions, meetings
Section 10A.502 Responsibilities.
2025 Code of Iowa
The director shall coordinate the department’s conduct of various licensing and regulatory functions of the state under the administrative authority of the department including but not limited to all of the following: Licensing and regulation of certa...
Tagged topics: building codes, fires and fire protection, health-related professions, professional licensure, professions
Rules Implementing Statutes:
Section 10A.505 Location of boards of certain health care professions rulemaking.
2025 Code of Iowa
The offices for the board of medicine, the board of pharmacy, the board of nursing, and the dental board shall be located within the department. The individual boards shall have policymaking and rulemaking authority.
Tagged topics: boards, commissions, and councils, dental care, health, health-related professions, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, professions
Section 10A.504 Appointment of certain executive directors.
2025 Code of Iowa
The director shall appoint and supervise an executive director for each of the following boards: The board of medicine. The board of nursing. The dental board. The board of pharmacy. Each board listed in subsection 1 shall advise the director in eva...
Tagged topics: boards, commissions, and councils, dental care, health, health-related professions, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, professions
Section 10A.503 Licensing boards expenses fees.
2025 Code of Iowa
Each board under chapter 100C, 103, 103A, 105, or 147 that is under the administrative authority of the department shall receive staff support from the department and may not employ its own support staff. The department and the licensing b...
Section 256.203 Chiropractic graduate student forgivable loans.
2025 Code of Iowa
A chiropractic graduate student forgivable loan program is established, to be administered by the college student aid commission for resident graduate students who are enrolled at Iowa chiropractic colleges and universities. A resident graduate studen...