SF 12 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to students who are pregnant or who recently gave birth who attend state institutions of higher education governed by the board of regents and community colleges.
Chapter 1092 (SF2268) Assistance animals and service animals — rental housing — finding of disability and need
2024 Iowa Acts
relating to assistance animals and service animals, including reasonable accommodations for housing and requirements for findings of disabilities. Section 216.8B , Code 2024, is amended by striking the section and inserting in lieu thereof the fol...
Tagged topics: animals, assistive animals, civil rights, disabilities, housing, landlord and tenant, rental property, rights
ARC #8522C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Department of Health and Human Services hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 41, “Hall of Fame,” Iowa Administrative Code. This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided in Iowa Code chapter 216A. This rulemaking implements, in whole o...
ARC #8198C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Office of Civil Rights (IOCR) hereby rescinds Chapter 3, “Complaint Process,” Iowa
Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is adopted under the authority provided in Executive Order 1...
Tagged topics: civil procedure, civil rights, civil rights commission, criminal procedure, discrimination, evidence, mediation, rights, subpoenas
ARC #7786C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The State Board of Education hereby rescinds Chapter 11, “Unsafe School Choice Option,” rescinds Chapter 17, “Open Enrollment,” and adopts a new Chapter 17, “Open Enrollment and Other Enrollment Options,” Iowa Administrative Code. This rulemaking...
ARC #8199C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Office of Civil Rights hereby rescinds Chapter 8, “Discrimination in Employment,” Iowa
Administrative Code, and adopts a new chapter with the same
title. This rulemaking is adop...
ARC #7602C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The State Board of Education hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 11, “Unsafe School Choice Option,” rescind Chapter 17, “Open Enrollment,” and adopt a new Chapter 17, “Open Enrollment and Other Enrollment Options,” Iowa Administrative Code. This ru...
IAC Rule 281.17.14
Iowa Administrative Code
Whole school option.
Tagged topics: desegregation
SF 187 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to wage discrimination under the Iowa civil rights Act of 1965 and making penalties applicable.
Tagged topics: civil rights, concessions, discrimination, employment agencies, labor and employment, rights, salaries and wages
SF 208 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
providing that sexual attraction to minors is not a protected class for purposes of the Iowa civil rights Act.