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The director shall coordinate the department’s conduct of various licensing and regulatory functions of the state under the administrative authority of the department including but not limited to all of the following: Licensing and regulation of certa...
Rules Implementing Statutes:
All buildings approved for construction after July 1, 1998, that exceed four stories in height, or seventy-five feet above grade, shall require the installation of an approved automatic fire extinguishing system designed and installed in conformity wi...
Provisions of this part in conflict with the state building code, as adopted pursuant to section 103A.7, shall not apply where the state building code has been adopted or when the state building code applies throughout the state.
  • Education Appropriations Subcommittee
An elder group home shall be located in an area zoned for single-family or multiple-family housing or in an unincorporated area and shall be constructed in compliance with applicable local housing codes and the rules adopted for the special classifica...
Tagged topics: building codeszoning
Chapter 15 (HF337)  Building regulations — installation and use of refrigerants
2023 Iowa Acts
relating to the use of certain refrigerants. NEW SECTION 103A.24 Refrigerants. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, a building regulation shall not prohibit or otherwise limit the use of a refrigerant designated as acceptable for ...
Chapter 20 (SF135)  Registered interior design
2023 Iowa Acts
relating to registered interior design and providing penalties. Section 544C.1 , Code 2023, is amended by adding the following new subsections: NEW SUBSECTION 1A. “Building equipment” means any mechanical See chapter 119, §45 herein plumbing, e...
Chapter 147 (HF605)  Prohibition against state, county, or city energy benchmarking requirements for private properties
2023 Iowa Acts
relating to energy benchmarking requirements for private properties. NEW SECTION 103A.8D Energy benchmarking requirements. For purposes of this section , “energy benchmarking” means requiring a decrease in the average energy use of a property o...
ARC #8670C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 61, “State Mechanical Code,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provide...
ARC #8669C
Rulemaking Document (ARC)
The Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing hereby proposes to rescind Chapter 25, “State Plumbing Code,” Iowa Administrative Code, and to adopt a new chapter with the same title. This rulemaking is proposed under the authority provided ...