HSB 62 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
requiring that a portion of funds for the Iowa tuition grant be awarded to students pursuing majors leading to high-wage and high-demand jobs and including effective date provisions.
Tagged topics: agricultural land, colleges and universities, labor and employment, students, tuition grants
HF 83 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
prohibiting foreign governments from acquiring or owning real property or agricultural land located in the state.
SF 92 (Introduced)
91st General Assembly
relating to the exercise of eminent domain for the construction of hazardous liquid pipelines and including effective date and applicability provisions.
Section 6A.21 Condemnation of agricultural land — definitions.
2025 Code of Iowa
Except as otherwise provided, for purposes of this chapter and chapter 6B: “Aboveground merchant line” means “merchant line” as defined in section 478.6A, subsection 1, excluding those merchant lines that are underground. “Agricultural land” ...
Tagged topics: agricultural land
Section 314.23 Environmental protection.
2025 Code of Iowa
It is declared to be in the general public welfare of Iowa and a highway purpose that highway maintenance, construction, reconstruction, and repair shall protect and preserve, by not causing unnecessary destruction, the natural or historic heritage of...
Tagged topics: agricultural land, environmental protection, historic preservation, natural preserves, parks, soils, wetlands
Section 314.24 Natural and historic preservation.
2025 Code of Iowa
Cities, counties, and the department shall to the extent practicable preserve and protect the natural and historic heritage of the state in the design, construction, reconstruction, relocation, repair, or maintenance of roads, streets, or highways. De...
Tagged topics: agricultural land, environmental protection, historic preservation, natural preserves, parks, wetlands
Section 335.27 Agricultural land preservation ordinance.
2025 Code of Iowa
If a county adopts an agricultural land preservation ordinance under this chapter which subjects farmland to the same use restrictions provided in section 352.6 for agricultural areas, then section 6B.3, subsection 1, paragraph “f”, and secti...
Tagged topics: agricultural land, farming
Section 335.28 Agricultural experiences.
2025 Code of Iowa
For purposes of this section, “agricultural experience” includes any agriculture-related activity, as a secondary use in conjunction with agricultural production, on a farm which activity is open to the public with the intended purpose of promotin...
Tagged topics: agricultural land, farming
Section 628.26A Agreement to extend period of redemption — agricultural land.
2025 Code of Iowa
Notwithstanding section 628.3, the debtor and the mortgagee of agricultural land after the filing of the foreclosure petition, may enter into a written agreement to extend the debtor’s period of redemption up to five years, and may set forth other t...
Tagged topics: agricultural land
Chapter 38 (HF317) Taking of fur-bearing animals — raccoons, opossums, or skunks on agricultural property
2023 Iowa Acts
relating to taking certain animals that are deemed a nuisance. Section 481A.87 , Code 2023, is amended to read as follows: 481A.87 Open seasons. 1. Exc ept as otherwise provided, a person shall not take, capture, kill, or have in possession a fur-...
Tagged topics: agricultural land, animals, conservation, endangered species, fur-bearing animals, hunting, nuisances, real property, trapping