Senate File 2375 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1modifying the periods of time to bring criminal actions
2for sexual abuse offenses against a minor, providing
3penalties, and including effective date provisions.
1 Section 1. Section 802.2, subsection 1, Code 2018, is
2amended to read as follows:
31. An information or indictment for sexual abuse in the
4first, second, or third degree committed on or with a person
5who is under the age of eighteen years shall be found within
6ten years after the person upon whom the offense is committed
7attains eighteen years of age, or if the person against whom
8the information or indictment is sought is identified through
9the use of a DNA profile, an information or indictment shall
10be found within three years from the date the person is
11identified by the person’s DNA profile, whichever is later may
12be commenced at any time after the commission of the offense.
13 Sec. 2. Section 802.10, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
14to read as follows:
153. However, notwithstanding subsection 2, an indictment
16or information shall be found against a person within three
17years from the date the person is identified by the person’s
18DNA profile. If the action involves sexual abuse of a person
19eighteen years of age or older, another sexual offense,
20kidnapping, or human trafficking, the indictment or information
21shall be found as provided in section 802.2, subsection 2,
22 802.2B, 802.2C, or 802.2D, if the person is identified by the
23person’s DNA profile.
24 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT. This Act, being deemed of
25immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
27The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
28the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
29This bill modifies the periods of time to bring criminal
30actions for sexual abuse offenses against a minor.
31The amendment to Code section 802.2 in the bill provides
32that a criminal information or indictment for sexual abuse
33in the first, second, or third degree committed on or with a
34person under the age of 18 may be commenced at any time after
35the commission of the offense. Current law specifies the
-1-1indictment or information for such sexual abuse offenses be
2found within 10 years of the sexually abused person attaining
318 years of age or within three years after being identified by
4DNA evidence, whichever is later.
5The bill takes effect upon enactment.
2for sexual abuse offenses against a minor, providing
3penalties, and including effective date provisions.
1 Section 1. Section 802.2, subsection 1, Code 2018, is
2amended to read as follows:
31. An information or indictment for sexual abuse in the
4first, second, or third degree committed on or with a person
5who is under the age of eighteen years shall be found within
6ten years after the person upon whom the offense is committed
7attains eighteen years of age, or if the person against whom
8the information or indictment is sought is identified through
9the use of a DNA profile, an information or indictment shall
10be found within three years from the date the person is
11identified by the person’s DNA profile, whichever is later may
12be commenced at any time after the commission of the offense.
13 Sec. 2. Section 802.10, subsection 3, Code 2018, is amended
14to read as follows:
153. However, notwithstanding subsection 2, an indictment
16or information shall be found against a person within three
17years from the date the person is identified by the person’s
18DNA profile. If the action involves sexual abuse of a person
19eighteen years of age or older, another sexual offense,
20kidnapping, or human trafficking, the indictment or information
21shall be found as provided in section 802.2, subsection 2,
22 802.2B, 802.2C, or 802.2D, if the person is identified by the
23person’s DNA profile.
24 Sec. 3. EFFECTIVE UPON ENACTMENT. This Act, being deemed of
25immediate importance, takes effect upon enactment.
27The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
28the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
29This bill modifies the periods of time to bring criminal
30actions for sexual abuse offenses against a minor.
31The amendment to Code section 802.2 in the bill provides
32that a criminal information or indictment for sexual abuse
33in the first, second, or third degree committed on or with a
34person under the age of 18 may be commenced at any time after
35the commission of the offense. Current law specifies the
-1-1indictment or information for such sexual abuse offenses be
2found within 10 years of the sexually abused person attaining
318 years of age or within three years after being identified by
4DNA evidence, whichever is later.
5The bill takes effect upon enactment.