CHAPTER 75PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION70175.1(441) Tax year. The assessment date is January 1 for taxes for the fiscal year which commences 6 months after the assessment date and which become delinquent during the fiscal year commencing 18 months after the assessment date. For example, taxes payable in fiscal year 1991-1992 are for fiscal year 1990-1991 and are based on the January 1, 1990, assessment.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 441.46.70175.2(445) Partial payment of tax. Partial payments of taxes may be allowed at the discretion of the county treasurer. If the treasurer elects to permit partial payments, the authorization shall apply to all taxpayers within the county. If the partial payments made are insufficient to fully satisfy an installment due by the delinquency date, the unpaid portion of the installment shall draw interest at the rate specified in Iowa Code section 445.39. Current year taxes may be paid at any time regardless of any outstanding prior year delinquent tax. The minimum payment for delinquent taxes must be equal to or exceed the interest, fees, and costs of the installment being paid.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code Supplement section 445.36A.70175.3(445) When delinquent. The first half installment of taxes shall become delinquent if not received by the county treasurer on or before the last business day preceding October 1, and the second half installment shall become delinquent if not received by the county treasurer on or before the last business day preceding April 1. If mailed, the payment envelope must bear a postmark date preceding October 1 or April 1 to avoid delinquency. If paid electronically, the payment must be initiated by midnight on the last day of the month preceding the delinquent date to avoid interest on the taxes. However, in those instances when the last day of September or March is a Saturday or Sunday, the taxes become delinquent on the second business day of October or April, whichever is applicable. Delinquent taxes shall draw interest at the rate specified in Iowa Code section 445.39.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 445.37.Related ARC(s): 7726B70175.4(446) Payment of subsequent year taxes by purchaser. Taxes for a subsequent year may not be paid by the purchaser of the property sold at tax sale until 14 days following the date from which an installment becomes delinquent.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 446.32 as amended by 1993 Iowa Acts, chapter 73.70175.5(428, 433, 434, 437, 437A, 438, 85GA, SF451) Central assessment confidentiality. The release of information contained in any reports filed under Iowa Code chapters 428, 433, 434, 437, 437A, and 438 and 2013 Iowa Acts, Senate File 451, sections 10 to 30, or obtained by the department in the administration of those chapters, is governed by the general provisions of Iowa Code chapter 22 since there are no specific provisions relating to confidential information contained in those chapters. Any request for information must be made pursuant to rule 701—6.2(17A). See rule 701—6.3(17A).Any request for information pertaining to a taxpayer’s business affairs, operations, source of income, profits, losses, or expenditures must be made in writing to the director. The taxpayer to whom the information relates will be notified of the request for information and will be allowed 20 days to substantiate any claim of confidentiality under Iowa Code chapter 22 or any other statute such as Iowa Code section 422.72. If substantiated, the request will be denied; otherwise, the information will be released to the requesting party. This rule will not prevent the exchange of information between state and federal agencies.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code chapters 428, 433, 434, 437, 437A, and 438 and 2013 Iowa Acts, Senate File 451, sections 10 to 30.Related ARC(s): 0965C, 1105C70175.6(446) Tax sale. The county treasurer shall hold the annual tax sale on the third Monday in June. If, for good cause, the treasurer is unable to hold the tax sale on that date, the treasurer may designate a different date in June for the sale.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 446.7 as amended by 1999 Iowa Acts, chapter 4, section 1.70175.7(445) Refund of tax. The board of supervisors shall order the county treasurer to refund taxes found to have been erroneously or illegally collected. A claim for refund must be presented to the board within two years of the date the tax was due or if appealed within two years of the final decision.This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 445.60 as amended by 1999 Iowa Acts, chapter 174, section 6.70175.8(614) Delinquent property taxes. A county is immune from the statute of limitations when collecting delinquent property taxes levied on or after April 1, 1992 (Fennelly v.A-1 Machine and Tool Co., No.73/04-1232—10/6/06).This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 614.1 as amended by 2007 Iowa Acts, Senate File 450.Related ARC(s): 7726B, 0965C, 1105C