CHAPTER 58NOXIOUS WEEDS21—58.1(317)  Definitions.  As used in this chapter:
"Class A noxious weed for eradication" means a noxious weed determined by the department to be the highest priority for eradication of existing infestations and prevention of new infestations.
"Class B noxious weed for control" means a noxious weed determined by the department to be a priority for preventing new infestations and stopping the spread of the species.
“Sterile” means any plant or variety that is incapable of reproduction or which is either noninvasive or nonaggressive in that the plant does not spread into areas where it was not initially planted.
Related ARC(s): 4260C21—58.2(317)  Purple loosestrife.  The following Lythrum (purple loosestrife) cultivars are derived from Lythrum virgatum that are sterile or nonaggressive and can be sold for planting in ornamental gardens.
  1. Rose queen.
  2. The rocket.
  3. Morden pink.
  4. Morden gleam.
  5. Morden rose.
  6. Dropmore purple.
  7. Columbia pink.
Any person selling or offering for sale any or all of the above-listed varieties shall prominently display a sign to inform purchaser it is legal to plant the above-listed Lythrum virgatum in “ornamental gardens” only.
21—58.3(317)  Records.  A person selling or offering for sale any or all of the varieties listed in rule 21—58.2(317) shall retain in the person’s possession records on the inventory of such varieties acquired, sold, or retained by the person. These records shall include the identity and address of the supplier of any of the varieties. These records shall be retained for a period of three years and shall be available to the department for inspection during the person’s regular business hours.21—58.4(317)  Noxious weed lists.    58.4(1)  Class A noxious weeds for eradication. The following weed is included:   a.  Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri).  b.  Reserved.  58.4(2)  Class B noxious weeds for control. The following weeds are included:  a.  Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense).  b.  Teasel (Dipsacus spp.) biennial.  c.  Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula).  d.  Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare).  e.  Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora).  f.  European morning glory or field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis).  g.  All other species of thistles belonging in the genus of Carduus.Related ARC(s): 4260CThese rules are intended to implement Iowa Code sections 317.1C and 317.25.
Related ARC(s): 4260C