Senate Resolution 6 - Introduced
An Act 1honoring and congratulating John D.
2Lawrence for his dedicated service to Iowa State
3University of Science and Technology, the State of
4Iowa, and all Iowans.
5WHEREAS, John D.Lawrence was raised on a crop and
6livestock farm in southwest Iowa;and
7WHEREAS, John graduated from Iowa State University
8of Science and Technology (Iowa State University),
9earning his bachelor’s degree in animal science and his
10master’s degree in economics;and
11WHEREAS, John served as a professor of economics and
12has served Iowa State University and the people of Iowa
13in leading roles since 1991, including Interim Chair
14of the Department of Animal Science, Associate Dean of
15Extension and Outreach in the College of Agriculture
16and Life Sciences, Director of Agriculture and Natural
17Resources Extension, Assistant Director of the Iowa
18Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station,
19Director of the Iowa Beef Center, Interim Director of
20the Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, Interim
21Director of the Beginning Farmer Center, and Interim
22Director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center;and
23WHEREAS, John, as Iowa State University’s Vice
24President for Extension and Outreach, has led
25approximately 900 extension faculty and staff in
26engaging all Iowans in research, education, and
27extension experiences to address real-life challenges
28and prepare for a thriving future;and
-1-1WHEREAS, John has ensured that extension educational
2programs in agriculture and natural resources grow the
3economic base of Iowa agriculture, that community and
4economic development programs empower communities to
5shape their own futures, that 4-H youth development
6programs empower Iowa youth to reach their full
7potential, and that human sciences programs empower
8Iowans to live their best lives every day;and
9WHEREAS, John has developed relationships with
10partnering organizations throughout the state and
11extension councils in every county who support what
12Iowans value – a strong Iowa;and
13WHEREAS, John has served as an example to, and
14guided the development of, the next generation of
15extension professionals – ensuring that extension and
16outreach programs will continue to deliver on Iowa
17State University’s land-grant mission and engage Iowans
18with the research, educational, and technological
19resources of the university in partnership with
20federal, state, and county governments;and
21WHEREAS, John represented the College of Agriculture
22and Life Sciences as a co-leader with Iowa Department
23of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and Iowa Department
24of Natural Resources in developing and implementing
25Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy, a science and
26technology-based approach to assess and reduce
27nutrients delivered to Iowa waterways and the Gulf of
29WHEREAS, John has received many awards throughout
30his career, including the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture
-2-1Leader Award in 2017 for his work as part of the Iowa
2Nutrient Reduction Strategy Science Team, the 2009
3Iowa State University Extension Meritorious Service
4Award, and the 2004 Dean’s Citation for Extraordinary
5Contributions to the College of Agriculture and Life
6Sciences, as well as being named by Iowa Farmer Today
7as one of the 25 most influential people in Iowa
8agriculture from 1984-2009, and receiving the 2022
9Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Hall of Fame award;NOW
12be publicly recognized for his years of dedicated
13service to Iowa State University, the state of Iowa,
14and all Iowans;and
15BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a formal copy of this
16resolution be presented to John D.Lawrence, with the
17sincere appreciation and best wishes of the Senate.
An Act 1honoring and congratulating John D.
2Lawrence for his dedicated service to Iowa State
3University of Science and Technology, the State of
4Iowa, and all Iowans.
5WHEREAS, John D.Lawrence was raised on a crop and
6livestock farm in southwest Iowa;and
7WHEREAS, John graduated from Iowa State University
8of Science and Technology (Iowa State University),
9earning his bachelor’s degree in animal science and his
10master’s degree in economics;and
11WHEREAS, John served as a professor of economics and
12has served Iowa State University and the people of Iowa
13in leading roles since 1991, including Interim Chair
14of the Department of Animal Science, Associate Dean of
15Extension and Outreach in the College of Agriculture
16and Life Sciences, Director of Agriculture and Natural
17Resources Extension, Assistant Director of the Iowa
18Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station,
19Director of the Iowa Beef Center, Interim Director of
20the Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation, Interim
21Director of the Beginning Farmer Center, and Interim
22Director of the Iowa Nutrient Research Center;and
23WHEREAS, John, as Iowa State University’s Vice
24President for Extension and Outreach, has led
25approximately 900 extension faculty and staff in
26engaging all Iowans in research, education, and
27extension experiences to address real-life challenges
28and prepare for a thriving future;and
-1-1WHEREAS, John has ensured that extension educational
2programs in agriculture and natural resources grow the
3economic base of Iowa agriculture, that community and
4economic development programs empower communities to
5shape their own futures, that 4-H youth development
6programs empower Iowa youth to reach their full
7potential, and that human sciences programs empower
8Iowans to live their best lives every day;and
9WHEREAS, John has developed relationships with
10partnering organizations throughout the state and
11extension councils in every county who support what
12Iowans value – a strong Iowa;and
13WHEREAS, John has served as an example to, and
14guided the development of, the next generation of
15extension professionals – ensuring that extension and
16outreach programs will continue to deliver on Iowa
17State University’s land-grant mission and engage Iowans
18with the research, educational, and technological
19resources of the university in partnership with
20federal, state, and county governments;and
21WHEREAS, John represented the College of Agriculture
22and Life Sciences as a co-leader with Iowa Department
23of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and Iowa Department
24of Natural Resources in developing and implementing
25Iowa’s Nutrient Reduction Strategy, a science and
26technology-based approach to assess and reduce
27nutrients delivered to Iowa waterways and the Gulf of
29WHEREAS, John has received many awards throughout
30his career, including the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture
-2-1Leader Award in 2017 for his work as part of the Iowa
2Nutrient Reduction Strategy Science Team, the 2009
3Iowa State University Extension Meritorious Service
4Award, and the 2004 Dean’s Citation for Extraordinary
5Contributions to the College of Agriculture and Life
6Sciences, as well as being named by Iowa Farmer Today
7as one of the 25 most influential people in Iowa
8agriculture from 1984-2009, and receiving the 2022
9Iowa Cattlemen’s Association Hall of Fame award;NOW
12be publicly recognized for his years of dedicated
13service to Iowa State University, the state of Iowa,
14and all Iowans;and
15BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a formal copy of this
16resolution be presented to John D.Lawrence, with the
17sincere appreciation and best wishes of the Senate.