House File 381 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1relating to funding for approved local preschool
2programs and including applicability provisions.
1   Section 1.  Section 256C.5, subsection 1, paragraph c, Code
22023, is amended to read as follows:
   3c.  “Preschool budget enrollment” means the figure that is
4equal to fifty percent of the actual enrollment of eligible
5students in the preschool programming provided by a school
6district approved to participate in the preschool program on
7October 1 of the base year, or the first Monday in October if
8October 1 falls on a Saturday or Sunday.
9   Sec. 2.  Section 256C.5, subsection 2, paragraph a, Code
102023, is amended to read as follows:
   11a.  For the initial school year for which a school district
12approved to participate in the preschool program receives that
13approval and implements the preschool program, the funding for
14the preschool foundation aid payable to that school district
15shall be paid from the appropriation made for that school year
16in section 256C.6, Code 2011, or in another appropriation
17made for purposes of this chapter. For that school year, the
18preschool foundation aid payable to the school district is
19the product of the regular program state cost per pupil for
20the school year multiplied by sixty percent of the school
21district’s eligible student enrollment on the date in the
22school year determined by rule.
23   Sec. 3.  APPLICABILITY.  This Act applies July 1, 2024, for
24school budget years beginning on or after that date.
26The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
27the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
   28This bill relates to funding for the statewide preschool
29program for four-year-old children under Code chapter 256C.
   30The amount of state funding for each school district’s
31approved local program is determined using a preschool budget
32enrollment that is equal to 50 percent of the actual enrollment
33of eligible students in the preschool programming provided by
34a school district on October 1 of the base year. The bill
35changes the preschool budget enrollment used to determine
-1-1funding to an amount equal to 100 percent of the actual
2enrollment of eligible students in the preschool programming
3provided by a school district on October 1 of the base
4year. The bill also modifies the funding calculation for the
5initial school year for which a school district is approved to
6participate in the program.
   7The bill applies to school budget years beginning on or after
8July 1, 2024.