House File 2150 - IntroducedA Bill ForAn Act 1authorizing the governing board of a drainage or levee
2district to establish and maintain certain practices
3relating to soil and water conservation and water quality.
1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 468.3A Establishment of practices
3The board may participate in establishing and maintaining
4a practice, if the practice is consistent with any of the
61. The Iowa nutrient reduction strategy as defined in
7section 455B.171.
82. For the portion of the drainage or levee district that is
9part of a soil and water conservation district, the soil and
10water resource conservation plan developed for that soil and
11water conservation district as provided in section 161A.7.
13The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
14the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
15This bill authorizes the governing board of a drainage or
16levee district to participate in establishing and maintaining a
17water quality practice, a soil and water conservation practice,
18or an erosion control practice within the district. A practice
19must be consistent with the Iowa nutrient reduction strategy
20as developed and updated by the department of agriculture and
21land stewardship, the department of natural resources, and
22the college of agriculture and life sciences at Iowa state
23university of science and technology in order to assess and
24reduce nutrients in this state’s watersheds. Alternatively,
25for that portion of the drainage or levee district that is part
26of a soil and water conservation district, the practice must
27be consistent with the soil and water resource conservation
28plan developed for that soil and water conservation district
29by the division of soil conservation and water quality of
30the department of agriculture and land stewardship. The
31governing board of a drainage or levee district is a board of
32supervisors, a joint board of supervisors for an intercounty
33drainage or levee district, or a board of trustees elected by
34landowners in the district.
2district to establish and maintain certain practices
3relating to soil and water conservation and water quality.
1 Section 1. NEW SECTION. 468.3A Establishment of practices
3The board may participate in establishing and maintaining
4a practice, if the practice is consistent with any of the
61. The Iowa nutrient reduction strategy as defined in
7section 455B.171.
82. For the portion of the drainage or levee district that is
9part of a soil and water conservation district, the soil and
10water resource conservation plan developed for that soil and
11water conservation district as provided in section 161A.7.
13The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with
14the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly.
15This bill authorizes the governing board of a drainage or
16levee district to participate in establishing and maintaining a
17water quality practice, a soil and water conservation practice,
18or an erosion control practice within the district. A practice
19must be consistent with the Iowa nutrient reduction strategy
20as developed and updated by the department of agriculture and
21land stewardship, the department of natural resources, and
22the college of agriculture and life sciences at Iowa state
23university of science and technology in order to assess and
24reduce nutrients in this state’s watersheds. Alternatively,
25for that portion of the drainage or levee district that is part
26of a soil and water conservation district, the practice must
27be consistent with the soil and water resource conservation
28plan developed for that soil and water conservation district
29by the division of soil conservation and water quality of
30the department of agriculture and land stewardship. The
31governing board of a drainage or levee district is a board of
32supervisors, a joint board of supervisors for an intercounty
33drainage or levee district, or a board of trustees elected by
34landowners in the district.