Lobbyist Info
Pete McRoberts
2711 Grand Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50312
Des Moines, IA 50312
Represent Gov's Office:
Lobby Executive Branch:
Lobby Legislative Branch:
Client Reports - Displays lobbyist client reports by client by year.
Declarations - Displays declarations made by this lobbyist.
Client | Comments |
American Civil Liberties Union of Iowa (ACLU-IA) | |
American Music Therapy Association, Iowa Chapter | *** Client removed on 01/23/2017 *** |
Commercial Fishing and Aquaculture Association | *** Client added on 01/23/2017 *** |
County Zoning Officials Organiztion | |
Distributed Wind Energy Association of America | |
Hungry Canyons Alliance | |
Iowa Association of Building Officials | |
Iowa Association of RSVP Directors | |
Iowa Bicycle Coalition | *** Client removed on 01/23/2017 *** |
Iowa Brewers Guild | |
Iowa College Access Network | *** Client added on 01/23/2017 *** |
Iowa Commission on Volunteer Services | |
Iowa Environmental Health Association | *** Client added on 01/23/2017 *** |
Iowa Nurses Association | *** Client added on 01/23/2017 *** |
Iowa School Counselors Association | |
Iowa School Nurses Organization | |
Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations (ISOSWO) | |
Iowa Voters for Companion Animals | *** Client removed on 01/23/2017 *** |
The Capitol Group | |
Utility Management Organizations of Iowa |