Lobbyist Info
Larry Murphy
531 6th St. NW
Oelwein, IA 50662
Oelwein, IA 50662
Represent Gov's Office:
Lobby Executive Branch:
Lobby Legislative Branch:
Client Reports - Displays lobbyist client reports by client by year.
Declarations - Displays declarations made by this lobbyist.
Lobbyist reports - Reports submitted by the lobbyist.
Client | Comments |
Agribusiness Assn. of IA | *** Client removed on 09/30/2011 *** |
California Renewable Energies, LLC | |
City of Cedar Rapids | |
Des Moines University | *** Client removed on 01/20/2011 *** |
Heartland Security & Technical Solutions, Inc. | |
IA. Catholic Conference | |
IA. Chapter of American Society of Home Inspectors | *** Client added on 03/21/2011 *** |
IA. Chronic Care Consortium | *** Client added on 08/23/2011 *** |
IA. Police Chief Assn. (FKA IA. Police Executive Forum) | |
Kurt Moeller | |
LDWC (Lake Delhi Watershed Committee, LLC) | |
Linn County Board of Supervisors | |
National Career Assessment Services | |
SynGest, Inc. | |
Urban County Coalition | *** Client added on 11/15/2011 *** |