Lobbyist Info

Matthew McKinney
666 Grand Avenue, Suite 2000
Des Moines, IA 50309
Represent Gov's Office:
Lobby Executive Branch:
Lobby Legislative Branch:
Client Reports - Displays lobbyist client reports by client by year.
Declarations - Displays declarations made by this lobbyist.
Client Comments
Agribusiness Association of Iowa *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
Allied Insurance
American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries
ArdaghGroup, formerly Verallia *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
Beacon Information Designs LLC *** Client added on 01/13/2015 ***
Cedar Rapids Development Group *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. *** Client removed on 07/13/2015 ***
Clarinda Economic Development Corporation *** Client added on 02/09/2015 ***
Conlin Properties
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Fiberutilities Group, LLC *** Client added on 02/26/2015 ***
Harris Corp.
Iowa Farmland Owners Association, Inc. *** Client added on 02/18/2015 ***
Iowa Seed Association *** Client added on 01/22/2015 ***
Iowa Select Farms, L.L.P.
Iowa State Patrol Supervisors Association *** Client removed on 02/17/2015 ***
Kinze Manufacturing, Inc. *** Client added on 01/09/2015 ***
Master Builders of Iowa *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
Municipal Fire & Police Retirement System of Iowa (MFPRSI)
Nationwide Agribusiness
Nationwide Mutual Ins. Co.
Optimae Life Services, Inc.
Outcomes Incorporated *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
Personal Interest-Tom and Rhonda Brakke *** Client added on 01/28/2015 ***
Racom Corporation
Reaching Higher Iowa *** Client added on 03/16/2015 ***
Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc. *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
Scientific Games International
Tassel Ridge Winery, LLC *** Client removed on 01/09/2015 ***
TOMRA of North America, Inc. *** Client added on 10/14/2015 ***