Representative Stan Gustafson View All Years

Compiled Historical Information
Party Affiliation: Republican
Assemblies Served:
House: 85 (2013) - 90 (2023)
Home County: Madison
Stan Gustafson
Madison County


Serving fourth term in House.


Retired attorney and lieutenant colonel with U.S. Marine Corps.


Graduated from Placer High School in Auburn, California. Received B.S. in finance from the University of California at Berkeley, and J.D. from South Bay University School of Law, California.

Military Service

U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Marine Corps Reserves.

Memberships and Activities

Participated in numerous veteran activities in Iowa and California.

Birth and Residence

Born in 1942 in Washington, D.C. Resides in Cumming.

Family Members

Wife, Betty; three children and 10 grandchildren.

Text above from Iowa Official Register/Other
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