Clark Henry McNeal
Grain Elevator | |
Wright | |
58 | |
01/12/1959 - 07/28/1959 | |
75 |
Belmond Wright County Republican Born in Wright county, December 4, 1918. Attended public schools in Clarion and Rockford, Illinois. Graduated from Cornell College in 1939. Took graduate work in the field of public administration at the university of Michigan. Took position as manager of branch office of Beneficial Management corporation in 1942. Owner of McNeal Grain Company, Clarion, Iowa, and engaged in farm management, real estate and insurance at Belmond, Iowa. Married in 1939; five children; member of Methodist church, Masonic lodge, past president, Chamber of Commerce, Belmond, Iowa. Member of Tau Kappa Alpha. Serving fifth term. Deceased.
Grain Elevator | |
Wright | |
57 | |
01/14/1957 - 01/11/1959 | |
75 |
Belmond Wright County Republican Born in Wright county, December 4, 1918. Attended public schools in Clarion and Rockford, Illinois. Graduated from Cornell College in 1939. Took graduate work in the field of public administration at the University of Michigan. Took position as manager of branch office of Beneficial Management corporation in 1942. Owner of McNeal Grain Company, Clarion, Iowa, and engaged in farm management, real estate and insurance at Belmond, Iowa. Married in 1939; four children; member of Methodist church, Masonic lodge, past president, Chamber of Commerce, Belmond, Iowa. Member of Tau Kappa Alpha. Serving fourth term.
Grain Elevator | |
Wright | |
56 | |
01/10/1955 - 01/13/1957 | |
75 |
Belmond Wright County Republican Born in Wright county, December 4, 1918 Attended public schools in Clarion and Rockford, Illinois. Graduated from Cornell college in 1939. Took graduate work in the field of public administration at the University of Michigan. Took position as manager of branch office of Beneficial Management corporation in 1942. Owner of McNeal Grain Company, Clarion, Iowa, and engaged in farm management, real estate and insurance at Belmond. Iowa. Married in 1939; four children; member of Methodist church, Masonic lodge, past president, Chamber of Commerce, Belmond, Iowa. Member of Tau Kappa Alpha. Serving third term.
Broker | |
Wright | |
55 | |
01/12/1953 - 01/09/1955 | |
75 |
Belmond Wright County Republican Born in Wright county, December 4, 1918. Attended public schools at Clarion and Rockford, Illinois. Graduated from Cornell College in 1939. Took graduate work in the field of public administration at the University of Michigan. Took position as manager of branch office for Beneficial Management Corporation in 1942. Became co-owner of Courson & McNeal farm management and real estate agency at Belmond, Iowa. Married in 1939; three children; member of Methodist church, Masonic lodge; past president, Chamber of Commerce, Belmond, Iowa. Member of Tau Kappa Alpha. Republican committeeman and alternate delegate to 1948 Republican convention in Philadelphia. Serving second term.
Broker | |
Wright | |
54 | |
01/08/1951 - 01/11/1953 | |
75 |
Belmond Wright County Republican Born in Wright county, December 4, 1918. Attended public schools at Clarion and Rockford, Illinois. Graduated from Cornell College in 1939. Took graduate work in the field of public administration at the University of Michigan. Took position as manager of branch office for Beneficial Management Corporation in 1942. Became co-owner of Courson & McNeal farm management and real estate agency at Belmond, Iowa. Married in 1939; three children; member of Methodist church, Masonic lodge; past president, Chamber of Commerce, Belmond, Iowa. Member of Tau Kappa Alpha. Republican committeeman and alternate delegate to 1948 Republican convention in Philadelphia. Serving first term.