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General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 91
(01/13/2025 - 01/10/2027)
General Assembly: 90
(01/09/2023 - 01/12/2025)
General Assembly: 89
(01/11/2021 - 01/08/2023)
General Assembly: 88
(01/14/2019 - 01/10/2021)
General Assembly: 87
(01/09/2017 - 01/13/2019)
General Assembly: 86
(01/12/2015 - 01/08/2017)
General Assembly: 85
(01/14/2013 - 01/11/2015)
General Assembly: 84
(01/10/2011 - 01/13/2013)
General Assembly: 83
(01/12/2009 - 01/09/2011)
General Assembly: 82
(01/08/2007 - 01/11/2009)
General Assembly: 81
(01/10/2005 - 01/07/2007)
General Assembly: 80
(01/13/2003 - 01/09/2005)
General Assembly: 79
(01/08/2001 - 01/12/2003)
General Assembly: 78
(01/11/1999 - 01/07/2001)
General Assembly: 77
(01/13/1997 - 01/10/1999)
General Assembly: 76
(01/09/1995 - 01/12/1997)
Select Sponsor
Senator Kevin Alons
Senator Liz Bennett
Senator Tony Bisignano
Senator Nate Boulton
Senator Mike Bousselot
Senator Waylon Brown
Senator Claire Celsi
Senator Mark Costello
Senator Chris Cournoyer
Senator Dan Dawson
Senator Rocky De Witt
Senator Adrian Dickey
Senator Molly Donahue
Senator William A. Dotzler Jr.
Senator Dawn Driscoll
Senator Jeff Edler
Senator Lynn Evans
Senator Julian B. Garrett
Senator Eric Giddens
Senator Jesse Green
Senator Kerry Gruenhagen
Senator Dennis Guth
Senator Pam Jochum
Senator Mike Klimesh
Senator Izaah Knox
Senator Carrie Koelker
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink
Senator Mark S. Lofgren
Senator Charlie McClintock
Senator Janet Petersen
Senator Herman C. Quirmbach
Senator Jeff Reichman
Senator David D. Rowley
Senator Ken Rozenboom
Senator Sandy Salmon
Senator Jason Schultz
Senator Tom Shipley
Senator Amy Sinclair
Senator Annette Sweeney
Senator Jeff Taylor
Senator Todd E. Taylor
Senator Sarah Trone Garriott
Senator Zach Wahls
Senator Scott Webster
Senator Janice Weiner
Senator Cherielynn Westrich
Senator Jack Whitver
Senator Cindy Winckler
Senator Brad Zaun
Senator Dan Zumbach
Floor Manager:
Select Floor Manager
Senator Kevin Alons
Senator Mike Bousselot
Senator Waylon Brown
Senator Mark Costello
Senator Chris Cournoyer
Senator Dan Dawson
Senator Rocky De Witt
Senator Adrian Dickey
Senator Dawn Driscoll
Senator Jeff Edler
Senator Lynn Evans
Senator Julian B. Garrett
Senator Eric Giddens
Senator Jesse Green
Senator Kerry Gruenhagen
Senator Dennis Guth
Senator Mike Klimesh
Senator Carrie Koelker
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink
Senator Mark S. Lofgren
Senator Charlie McClintock
Senator Jeff Reichman
Senator David D. Rowley
Senator Ken Rozenboom
Senator Sandy Salmon
Senator Jason Schultz
Senator Tom Shipley
Senator Amy Sinclair
Senator Annette Sweeney
Senator Jeff Taylor
Senator Scott Webster
Senator Janice Weiner
Senator Cherielynn Westrich
Senator Jack Whitver
Senator Brad Zaun
Senator Dan Zumbach
Select Sponsor
Representative Ako Abdul-Samad
Representative Jerome Amos Jr.
Representative Eddie Andrews
Representative Austin Baeth
Representative Sean Bagniewski
Representative Michael R. Bergan
Representative Brian Best
Representative Jane Bloomingdale
Representative Brooke Boden
Representative Jacob Bossman
Representative Dr. Steven P. Bradley
Representative Timi M. Brown-Powers
Representative Molly Buck
Representative Sue Cahill
Representative Ken Carlson
Representative Mark Cisneros
Representative Taylor R. Collins
Representative Jeff Cooling
Representative Ken Croken
Representative Tom Determann
Representative Dave Deyoe
Representative Zach Dieken
Representative Jon Dunwell
Representative Tracy Ehlert
Representative Dean C. Fisher
Representative John Forbes
Representative Joel Fry
Representative Ruth Ann Gaines
Representative Dan Gehlbach
Representative Thomas D. Gerhold
Representative Eric J. Gjerde
Representative Cindy Golding
Representative Martin L. Graber
Representative Pat Grassley
Representative Stanley R. Gustafson
Representative Bill Gustoff
Representative Austin Harris
Representative Helena Hayes
Representative Robert Henderson
Representative Steven Holt
Representative Heather Hora
Representative Chad Ingels
Representative Charles Isenhart
Representative David Jacoby
Representative Lindsay James
Representative Thomas Jeneary
Representative Craig P. Johnson
Representative Megan Jones
Representative Kenan Judge
Representative Bobby Kaufmann
Representative Barb Kniff McCulla
Representative Jennifer Konfrst
Representative Bob Kressig
Representative Monica Kurth
Representative Shannon Latham
Representative Elinor A. Levin
Representative Brian K. Lohse
Representative Shannon Lundgren
Representative Mary L. Madison
Representative Heather Matson
Representative Joshua Meggers
Representative Ann Meyer
Representative Brian Meyer
Representative Gary M. Mohr
Representative Norlin Mommsen
Representative Thomas Jay Moore
Representative Amy Nielsen
Representative Carter F. Nordman
Representative Rick L. Olson
Representative Anne Osmundson
Representative Matthew B. Rinker
Representative Sami Scheetz
Representative J.D. Scholten
Representative Michael V. Sexton
Representative Brad Sherman
Representative Jeff Shipley
Representative David Sieck
Representative Brent Siegrist
Representative Ray Sorensen
Representative Megan L. Srinivas
Representative Art Staed
Representative Sharon Sue Steckman
Representative Luana Stoltenberg
Representative Henry Stone
Representative Mark I. Thompson
Representative Phil Thompson
Representative Charley Thomson
Representative Josh Turek
Representative Mike Vondran
Representative Beth Wessel-Kroeschell
Representative Skyler Wheeler
Representative Ross Wilburn
Representative John H. Wills
Representative Elizabeth Wilson
Representative Hans C. Wilz
Representative Matt W. Windschitl
Representative Devon Wood
Representative Derek Wulf
Representative David E. Young
Representative Adam Zabner
Floor Manager:
Select Floor Manager
Representative Eddie Andrews
Representative Michael R. Bergan
Representative Brian Best
Representative Jane Bloomingdale
Representative Brooke Boden
Representative Jacob Bossman
Representative Dr. Steven P. Bradley
Representative Ken Carlson
Representative Taylor R. Collins
Representative Tom Determann
Representative Dave Deyoe
Representative Zach Dieken
Representative Jon Dunwell
Representative Tracy Ehlert
Representative Dean C. Fisher
Representative Joel Fry
Representative Dan Gehlbach
Representative Thomas D. Gerhold
Representative Cindy Golding
Representative Martin L. Graber
Representative Stanley R. Gustafson
Representative Bill Gustoff
Representative Austin Harris
Representative Robert Henderson
Representative Steven Holt
Representative Heather Hora
Representative Chad Ingels
Representative Thomas Jeneary
Representative Craig P. Johnson
Representative Megan Jones
Representative Kenan Judge
Representative Bobby Kaufmann
Representative Barb Kniff McCulla
Representative Shannon Latham
Representative Brian K. Lohse
Representative Shannon Lundgren
Representative Joshua Meggers
Representative Ann Meyer
Representative Gary M. Mohr
Representative Norlin Mommsen
Representative Thomas Jay Moore
Representative Carter F. Nordman
Representative Anne Osmundson
Representative Matthew B. Rinker
Representative Michael V. Sexton
Representative Brad Sherman
Representative Jeff Shipley
Representative David Sieck
Representative Brent Siegrist
Representative Ray Sorensen
Representative Sharon Sue Steckman
Representative Luana Stoltenberg
Representative Henry Stone
Representative Mark I. Thompson
Representative Phil Thompson
Representative Charley Thomson
Representative Mike Vondran
Representative Skyler Wheeler
Representative John H. Wills
Representative Hans C. Wilz
Representative Devon Wood
Representative Derek Wulf
Representative David E. Young
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February 09, 2025
GA 90
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