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April 19, 2024GA 87

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 2365 A bill for an act relating to assistance animals and service animals in housing and misrepresentation of an animal as a service animal or a service-animal-in-training and providing penalties and including applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 3148.)

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 2353 A bill for an act establishing an interim study committee relating to child welfare. (Formerly HSB 635.)
HF 2390 A bill for an act relating to terminology changes in education-related Iowa Code references to foreign languages. (Formerly HSB 561.) Effective 7-1-18.
HF 2398 A bill for an act relating to the components of a comparable system of career paths and compensation for school districts. (Formerly HSB 663.)
HF 2419 A bill for an act requiring the boards of directors of school districts to appoint student liaisons to the boards. (Formerly HF 2358.)
HF 2420 A bill for an act establishing an Iowa national service corps program administered by the Iowa commission on volunteer service. (Formerly HF 2153.) Effective 7-1-18.