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February 11, 2025GA 87

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 420 A bill for an act including personal degradation as a form of dependent adult abuse by caretakers in facilities and programs regulated by the department of inspections and appeals, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1099.)
SF 453 A bill for an act relating to the disclosure of mental health information to law enforcement professionals. (Formerly SF 75.)
SF 471 A bill for an act relating to limitations on and prerequisites for an abortion, providing for licensee discipline, providing civil penalties, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly SF 53.) Effective 5-5-17.
SF 515 A bill for an act relating to appropriations for health and human services and veterans and including other related provisions and appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability date provisions. (Formerly SSB 1199.)
SF 2309 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement for dually eligible Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries receiving the Medicare hospice benefit in a nursing facility. (Formerly SSB 3126.)
SF 2418 A bill for an act relating to appropriations for health and human services and veterans and including other related provisions and appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability date provisions. (Formerly SSB 3222.) Item vetoed. Various effective dates; see bill.

Senate Resolution (SR)

Bill Bill Title
SR 117 A resolution celebrating and recognizing the many accomplishments of Dr. Peggy Whitson.

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 234 A bill for an act relating to reports filed with the court by mental health advocates for persons with mental health disorders. (Formerly HF 50.) Effective 7-1-17.
HF 241 A bill for an act concerning the administration of the duties of the county commissions of veteran affairs. (Formerly HSB 53.) Effective 7-1-17.
HF 393 A bill for an act relating to programs and activities under the purview of the department of public health, including effective date provisions and providing for a repeal. (Formerly HSB 25.) Effective 7-1-17.
HF 396 A bill for an act relating to the definition of child foster care for purposes of child care provided by a relative of a child. (Formerly HSB 81.) Effective 7-1-17.
HF 591 A bill for an act relating to physician supervision of physician assistants, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HF 189.) Effective 4-12-17.
HF 2355 A bill for an act establishing a veterans recovery pilot program and fund for the reimbursement of expenses related to providing hyperbaric oxygen treatment to eligible veterans. (Formerly HF 2045.)
HF 2427 A bill for an act relating to access to certain child abuse and dependent adult abuse information by free clinics, and including effective date provisions. (Formerly HSB 517.) Effective 4-10-18.
HF 2451 A bill for an act relating to the programs and services under the purview of the department on aging. (Formerly HSB 664.) Effective 7-1-18.