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February 09, 2025GA 85

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 2187 A bill for an act requiring the Iowa law enforcement academy to develop training standards for the use of electronic weapons, including stun guns and tasers, by law enforcement agencies throughout the state. (Formerly SSB 3077.)
SF 2303 A bill for an act providing for the establishment of a uniform statewide emergency outdoor warning system task force. (Formerly SF 2137.)

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 234 A bill for an act relating to the underage possession or consumption of alcohol and providing penalties. (See Cmte. Bill HF 529)
HF 2062 A bill for an act authorizing the natural resource commission to issue a paddlefish fishing license and tag and providing penalties. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2171)
HF 2114 A bill for an act relating to the murder of a peace officer, reserve peace officer, correctional officer, jailer, public employee, or hostage, and providing penalties. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2398)

House Concurrent Resolution (HCR)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 26 A study bill for a concurrent resolution relating to the joint rules governing lobbyists of the Senate and House of Representatives for the Eighty-fifth General Assembly.

House Resolution (HR)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 27 A study bill for a resolution relating to the code of ethics of the House of Representatives for the Eighty-fifth General Assembly.
HSB 666 A study bill for a resolution amending the Code of Ethics of the House of Representatives relating to personal financial disclosure reports. 2-25-14 Passed committee. (See Cmte. Bill HR 112)

House Study Bill (HSB)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 98 A study bill relating to property taxes of veterans and members of the armed forces by modifying the military service property tax exemption and credit, providing an additional homestead credit for certain disabled veterans, making penalties applicable, and including applicability provisions. 1-31-13 Subcommittee assigned, Shaw, Kearns, and Salmon. H.J. 160. (See Cmte. Bill HF 506)
HSB 124 A study bill relating to absent voting in general elections by certain military and overseas voters through electronic means and making penalties applicable. 2-12-13 Subcommittee assigned, Shaw, Costello, and Kearns. H.J. 266. (See Cmte. Bill HF 420)
HSB 128 A study bill for modifying the criminal offense of interference with official acts.
HSB 201 A study bill related to the liability of a land holder for the public use of private lands and waters. 3-4-13 Subcommittee assigned, Shaw, Kaufmann, and H. Miller. H.J. 405. (See Cmte. Bill HF 605)
HSB 595 A study bill for establishing a mass notification and emergency messaging system fund. 2-3-14 Subcommittee assigned, Shaw, Anderson, and Brandenburg. H.J. 145. 2-10-14 Passed subcommittee. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2371) (See Cmte. Bill HF 2465)