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February 08, 2025GA 85

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 340 A bill for an act relating to the length of on-duty periods and required rest periods for drivers of rail crew transport vehicles, and providing penalties. (Formerly SF 172.) Effective 7-1-13.
SF 2211 A bill for an act relating to the civil commitment of a sexually violent predator. (Formerly SSB 3076.) Effective 7-1-14.
SF 2311 A bill for an act relating to the criminal offenses of enticing a minor, prostitution, sexual exploitation of a minor, and human trafficking, providing for a fee, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 3169.) Various effective dates; see section 16 of bill.

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 2043 A bill for an act relating to the establishment, maintenance, and funding of emergency warning systems by townships and certain counties.
HF 2074 A bill for an act relating to registration fees for motor vehicles transferred to a nonprofit corporation for donation to needy individuals. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2357)
HF 2351 A bill for an act relating to the fees for special registration plates associated with military service. (Formerly HSB 614)

House Study Bill (HSB)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 28 A study bill relating to the residential landlord and tenant laws and related forcible entry and detainer actions and providing penalties.
HSB 120 A study bill relating to the issuance of and violations of civil protective orders and criminal no-contact orders and modifying penalties. 2-12-13 Subcommittee assigned, Heartsill, Windschitl, and Wolfe. H.J. 266. 2-10-14 Subcommittee reassigned, Heartsill, Anderson, and Windschitl. H.J. 196. 2-12-14 Passed subcommittee. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2279)
HSB 126 A study bill relating to the sale, operation, and possession of speed detection jamming devices, and making penalties applicable. (See Cmte. Bill HF 477)
HSB 588 A study bill relating to the offenses of prostitution and pimping and minors and providing penalties. 1-30-14 Subcommittee assigned, Heartsill, Baltimore, and Prichard. H.J. 132. 2-10-14 Passed subcommittee. 2-11-14 Passed subcommittee. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2254)
HSB 599 A study bill for requiring recording of claims involving mineral rights in real estate owned by another person and providing for loss of mineral rights if a claim is not timely recorded. 2-4-14 Subcommittee assigned, Heartsill, Dawson, and Worthan. H.J. 156. 2-17-14 Passed subcommittee. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2327)