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February 08, 2025GA 82

House Study Bill (HSB)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 572 A study bill for increasing the penalties that may be imposed by courts-martial under the Iowa code of military justice. 2-11-08 Subcommittee assigned, Tymeson, Bukta, and Zirkelbach. H.J. 241. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2287)
HSB 757 A study bill relating to health care reform including health care coverage intended for children, health information technology, end-of-life care promotion, preexisting conditions and dependent children coverage, and medical homes, providing an appropriation, and including an applicability provision. 3-05-08 Subcommittee assigned, Heddens, Abdul-Samad, Heaton, Smith, and Upmeyer. H.J. 514.