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February 14, 2025GA 82

Senate File (SF)

Bill Bill Title
SF 489 A bill for an act creating an Alzheimer's disease task force. (Formerly SF 316.) Effective 7-1-07.
SF 2418 A bill for an act relating to notice provided to certain households about the availability of volunteer or free income tax assistance programs and the federal and state earned income tax credits. (Formerly SSB 3299.) Effective 7-1-08.

House File (HF)

Bill Bill Title
HF 293 A bill for an act relating to the state earned income tax credit by making the tax credit refundable and including effective and retroactive applicability date provisions. (See Cmte. Bill HF 883)
HF 411 A bill for an act creating a film, television, and video project promotion program and fund and an Iowa film advisory board, providing tax credits and income exclusions, making appropriations, and including effective and retroactive applicability dates. (See Cmte. Bill HF 814) (See Cmte. Bill HF 892)
HF 480 A bill for an act relating to children who are subject to a court order for a temporary or permanent out-of-home placement by providing for visitation or ongoing interaction between the children and siblings. (See Cmte. Bill HF 840)
HF 585 A bill for an act relating to the selection of board members by area agencies on aging. Effective 7-01-07.
HF 681 A bill for an act establishing an energy city designation program. (See Cmte. Bill HF 773)
HF 687 A bill for an act providing for the establishment of an energy-efficient appliance assistance grant program and fund, and making an appropriation. (See Cmte. Bill HF 766)
HF 814 A bill for an act creating a film, television, and video project promotion program and fund and an Iowa film advisory board, providing tax credits and income exclusions, and including effective and retroactive applicability dates. (Formerly HF 411) (See Cmte. Bill HF 892)
HF 2121 A bill for an act authorizing appeal of denials of dental insurance coverage based on medical necessity. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2508)
HF 2128 A bill for an act establishing a state health insurance mandate commission. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2650)

House Study Bill (HSB)

Bill Bill Title
HSB 104 A study bill relating to changes in the utility replacement tax law by redefining a new electric power generating plant, extending the life of the utility replacement tax task force, and requiring notification by the taxpayer to the department of revenue and local taxing district upon transfer of utility property. 2-01-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Jacobs, and Kelley. H.J. 307. (See Cmte. Bill HF 781)
HSB 142 A study bill relating to the expenditures allowable from medical assistance income trusts. 2-06-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, L. Miller, and Smith. H.J. 336. (See Cmte. Bill HF 397)
HSB 211 A study bill relating to support including child support provisions relating to passport sanctions for nonpayment of child support and mandatory review and adjustment of child support orders, medical support, and support payments, providing effective dates, and providing for retroactive applicability. 2-21-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Palmer and Tomenga. H.J. 558. (See Cmte. Bill HF 750)
HSB 229 A study bill for creating an endow Iowa planned gift tax credit and including a retroactive applicability date. 2-23-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Anderson, and Wenthe. H.J. 601. (See Cmte. Bill HF 794)
HSB 306 A study bill relating to the streamlined sales and use tax agreement and administration of the tax and related laws by the department of revenue, including administration of sales and use taxes, and providing an effective date. 4-13-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Kelley, and Wiencek. H.J. 1379. (See Cmte. Bill HF 913)
HSB 318 A study bill relating to entities and activities regulated by the Iowa department of public health, including the practices of optometry and mortuary science, establishment of a state public health dental director and an oral health bureau, membership on the child death review team, and immunity for emergency response, and providing for the revision of fees. 4-24-07 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Jochum and Sands. H.J. 1739. (See Cmte. Bill H.F. 925).
HSB 517 A study bill relating to controlled substance schedules and the reporting requirements to the board of pharmacy and making penalties applicable. 1-23-08 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Palmer, and Soderberg. H.J. 103. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2167)
HSB 518 A study bill relating to the practice of pharmacy, including provisions governing tech-check-tech programs and specifying applicable penalty provisions. 1-23-08 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Palmer, and Soderberg. H.J. 103. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2166)
HSB 651 A study bill relating to the disposal of solid waste by changing permitting requirements and updating and clarifying existing provisions. 2-14-08 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, R. Olson, and Watts. H.J. 287. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2498)
HSB 676 A study bill for limiting the scope of the electronic benefits transfer program maintained by the department of human services. 2-19-08 Subcommittee assigned, T. Olson, Forristall, and Hunter. H.J. 340. (See Cmte. Bill HF 2372)