Bill Requests By Appropriations
Received | LSB # | Bill # | Working Title | Category |
05/03/2023 | 1020 | HF 729 | Standing Appropriations |
Appropriations |
05/03/2023 | 1003 | HF 731 | Education Appropriation |
Appropriations |
05/03/2023 | 1008 | HF 730 | Capitals Appropriation |
Appropriations |
05/02/2023 | 1006 | HF 728 | Judicial Branch Appropriation |
Appropriations |
05/02/2023 | 1005 | HF 727 | Justice System Appropriation |
Appropriations |
05/01/2023 | 1002 | HF 725 | Economic Development Appropriation |
Appropriations |
04/27/2023 | 1004 | HF 724 | Health and Human Services Appropriation |
Appropriations |
04/10/2023 | 1533 | HF 709 | Block Grants Appropriation II |
Appropriations |
04/10/2023 | 1521 | HF 710 | Sports Wagering Receipt and County Endowment Funds |
Business and Commerce Local Government |
04/10/2023 | 2530 | HF 711 | Levee Safety and Improvements |
Local Government Natural Resources |
04/06/2023 | 2533 | HF 707 | Child Care Assistance, Eligiblity |
Human Services |
04/05/2023 | 1262 | HF 698 | Cybersecurity Simulator |
Education Infrastructure |
04/05/2023 | 2145 | HF 700 | Dairy Innovation Fund |
Agriculture Economic Development |
04/05/2023 | 1923 | HF 706 | Abandoned Schools Demolition Fund and Grant Program |
Education Infrastructure |
04/05/2023 | 1225 | HF 699 | Juvenile Court Services and Administration |
Government Entities Human Services |
04/05/2023 | 1545 | HF 708 | Medicaid Reimbursement, Sex Offenders and Nursing Homes |
Human Services |
03/30/2023 | 1252 | Entertainment Self-Sustaining Municipal Improvement Districts |
Local Government Taxation |
03/14/2023 | 2532 | HF 667 | State Tort Claims, Reimbursement of Settlements |
Civil Law Government Entities |
02/22/2023 | 1682 | HF 447 | Iowa Workforce Grant Program |
Economic Development Education |
02/15/2023 | 1429 | HF 345 | Scenic Byways |
Environmental Protection Transportation |
02/15/2023 | 1246 | HF 340 | Length of Service Recognition Program |
Labor and Employment |