04/19/2023 |
2505 |
HF 722 |
Sales Tax Exemption for Non-Profit Blood Centers |
Ways and Means (House)
04/18/2023 |
2550 |
SF 569 |
Property Tax Omnibus |
Ways and Means (Senate)
04/18/2023 |
2537 |
SJR 14 |
Tax Rates and Taxpayer Relief Fund, Constitutional Amendment |
Ways and Means (Senate)
04/13/2023 |
1059 |
HF 717 |
Property Tax, Section 42 Property |
Ways and Means (House)
04/13/2023 |
1284 |
HF 718 |
Property Tax, Assessments, and Bond Elections |
Ways and Means (House)
04/12/2023 |
1239 |
HF 715 |
Department of Revenue Omnibus |
Ways and Means (House)
04/05/2023 |
1239 |
SF 565 |
Department of Revenue Omnibus |
Ways and Means (Senate)
04/05/2023 |
1450 |
HF 702 |
Sales Tax Exemption, Emergency Goods |
Ways and Means (House)
04/05/2023 |
1647 |
HF 703 |
Hoover Tax Credit, Extension |
Ways and Means (House)
03/30/2023 |
1252 |
Entertainment Self-Sustaining Municipal Improvement Districts |
Appropriations (House)
03/22/2023 |
2500 |
HF 683 |
Grain Handling Excise Tax, Repeal |
Ways and Means (House)
03/22/2023 |
1551 |
SF 555 |
Volunteer First Responder, Property Tax Reduction |
Ways and Means (Senate)
03/21/2023 |
1774 |
HF 681 |
Sales Tax Refunds, County and District Fairs |
Ways and Means (House)
03/21/2023 |
2531 |
HF 678 |
Parking Facilities Services, Sales Tax Exemption |
Ways and Means (House)
03/21/2023 |
2283 |
HF 676 |
Honey Bees, Sales Tax Exemption |
Ways and Means (House)
03/15/2023 |
1993 |
SF 552 |
Income and Insurance Premium Tax, Reduction |
Ways and Means (Senate)
03/15/2023 |
1575 |
SF 551 |
Full Expensing of Business Investments |
Ways and Means (Senate)
03/14/2023 |
2193 |
HF 668 |
Child Care Facilities, Property Tax |
Ways and Means (House)
03/09/2023 |
1208 |
HF 664 |
Sales and Use Tax Exemptions, Subsidiaries |
Ways and Means (House)
03/09/2023 |
1793 |
HF 663 |
Property Tax Sale Postponement |
Ways and Means (House)
03/08/2023 |
2020 |
SF 548 |
Forest and Fruit Tree Reservations |
Ways and Means (Senate)
03/08/2023 |
1461 |
SF 550 |
Local Option Sales Tax and Natural Resources Trust Fund |
Ways and Means (Senate)
03/07/2023 |
1638 |
HF 659 |
Capital Gains Tax, Exemption for Metals |
Ways and Means (House)
03/07/2023 |
1446 |
HF 660 |
Raceway Facility Sales Tax Rebate, Extension |
Ways and Means (House)
02/28/2023 |
1798 |
HF 539 |
Consolidation or Split of Parcels, Payment of Property Taxes |
Local Government (House)
02/27/2023 |
1851 |
SF 451 |
Board of Review, Meeting Time |
Local Government (Senate)
02/27/2023 |
2098 |
SF 445 |
Boards of Review, Subcommittees Permitted |
Local Government (Senate)
02/21/2023 |
1798 |
SF 355 |
Consolidation or Split of Parcels, Payment of Property Taxes |
Local Government (Senate)
02/21/2023 |
1788 |
SF 353 |
Informal Property Assessment Review Timelines |
Local Government (Senate)
02/21/2023 |
1100 |
SF 356 |
Property Tax Reform |
Ways and Means (Senate)
02/21/2023 |
1252 |
HF 412 |
Entertainment Self-Sustaining Municipal Improvement Districts |
Local Government (House)
02/21/2023 |
1584 |
HF 420 |
Boards of Review, Subcommittees Permitted |
Local Government (House)
02/20/2023 |
1126 |
SF 345 |
Paraphernalia Regulation |
Ways and Means (Senate)
02/15/2023 |
1167 |
HF 351 |
Adoption Tax Credit |
Ways and Means (House)
02/15/2023 |
1209 |
HF 352 |
State and Local Taxes, Deduction |
Ways and Means (House)
02/15/2023 |
1205 |
HF 353 |
Levee and Drainage Districts |
Ways and Means (House)
02/14/2023 |
1796 |
HF 318 |
Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Credit, Filing Deadline |
Local Government (House)
02/13/2023 |
1476 |
SF 280 |
Military Service Property Tax Exemption, Amount |
Veterans Affairs (Senate)
02/09/2023 |
1042 |
HF 276 |
Tax, Amusement Devices |
Ways and Means (House)
02/09/2023 |
1788 |
HF 270 |
Informal Property Assessment Review Timelines |
Local Government (House)
02/09/2023 |
1793 |
HF 266 |
Property Tax Sale Postponement |
Local Government (House)
02/06/2023 |
1796 |
SF 215 |
Elderly and Disabled Property Tax Credit, Filing Deadline |
Local Government (Senate)
02/06/2023 |
1793 |
SF 216 |
Property Tax Sale Postponement or Cancellation |
Local Government (Senate)
02/01/2023 |
1365 |
HF 205 |
Barrel Tax Revenues, Brewpubs |
Ways and Means (House)
02/01/2023 |
1206 |
HF 206 |
Property Tax Assessments, Propane Tanks |
Ways and Means (House)
02/01/2023 |
1203 |
HF 207 |
Wastewater Infrastructure, Taxation |
Ways and Means (House)
01/31/2023 |
1566 |
SF 181 |
Residential Assessment Limitations |
Ways and Means (Senate)
01/27/2023 |
1056 |
HF 163 |
Disabled Veteran Homestead Tax Exemption |
Veterans Affairs (House)
01/25/2023 |
1476 |
HF 141 |
Military Service Property Tax Exemption, Amount |
Veterans Affairs (House)
01/12/2023 |
1203 |
SF 132 |
Wastewater Infrastructure, Taxation |
Senator Gruenhagen, Kerry, Senate
01/05/2023 |
1664 |
HF 598 |
Iowa-Grown Food Tax Credit and Speciality Crops |
Representative Isenhart, Charles, House
12/15/2022 |
1457 |
HF 156 |
Urban Food Production, Property Tax Exemption |
Representative Isenhart, Charles, House
11/13/2022 |
1109 |
HF 70 |
Solar Energy Conversion Facility Tax Credit |
Representative Isenhart, Charles, House