February 12, 202590GA
Bill History for House File 6
Floor Managers: Nordman
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 1682HVHF447
By Nordman, Holt, Wheeler, Stone, Meyer, A, Collins, Moore, Jeneary, Vondran, Dunwell, Meggers, Fisher, Wulf, Shipley, Bradley, Rinker, Deyoe, Wills, Gustafson, Mommsen, Thompson, Johnson, Sorensen, Gehlbach, Kaufmann, Fry, Young, Henderson, Wood, Gustoff, Windschitl, Grassley, Bossman and Gerhold
A bill for an act relating to workforce development, including establishing the Iowa workforce grant and incentive program and modifying the responsibilities of the Iowa workforce development board.(See HF 447.)
January 11, 2023 Introduced, referred to Education. H.J. 57.
January 11, 2023 Rereferred to Appropriations. H.J. 71.
January 12, 2023 Subcommittee: Nordman, Brown-Powers, Collins, Mohr, G., Scheetz, Wilburn and Wood. H.J. 95.
January 19, 2023 Subcommittee Meeting: Upon adjournment of Appropriations Committee RM 103, Sup. Ct. Chamber.
January 19, 2023 Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 7-0.
February 22, 2023 Committee report, recommending amendment and passage. H.J. 414.
February 24, 2023 Committee report approving bill, renumbered as HF 447.

Bill History for House File 447

A bill for an act relating to workforce development, including establishing the Iowa workforce grant and incentive program and modifying the responsibilities of the Iowa workforce development board and the state board of regents.(Formerly HF 6.)
February 24, 2023 Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar. H.J. 425.
May 04, 2023 Rereferred to Education. H.J. 1029.
December 31, 2023 * * * * * END OF 2023 ACTIONS * * * * *