February 12, 202589GA
Bill History for Senate Resolution 105
Floor Managers:Nunn
By Nunn, Wahls, Bisignano, Bolkcom, Boulton, Brown, Carlin, Celsi, Chapman, Costello, Cournoyer, Dawson, Dickey, Dotzler, Driscoll, Edler, Garrett, Giddens, Goodwin, Green, Guth, Hogg, Jochum, Johnson, Kinney, Klimesh, Koelker, Kraayenbrink, Lofgren, Lykam, Mathis, Petersen, Quirmbach, Ragan, Reichman, Rowley, Rozenboom, Schultz, Shipley, Sinclair, Smith, J., Smith, R., Sweeney, Taylor, T., Trone Garriott, Williams and Zaun
A resolution reaffirming Iowa’s commitment to its relationship with the Ukrainian people and supporting Ukraine’s efforts to remain an independent and autonomous nation.
March 01, 2022 Introduced, referred to Rules and Administration. S.J. 422.
March 15, 2022 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 517.
March 16, 2022 Resolution adopted. S.J. 542.