February 9, 202588GA
Bill History for House Resolution 102
Floor Managers:Brown
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5097HHHCR105
LSB 5097XSSR103
By Williams, Gaines, Bennett, Steckman, Kressig, Staed, Derry, Judge, Gaskill, Brown-Powers, Anderson, Wilburn, Mcconkey, Matson, Kurth, Smith, M., Kacena, Thede, Mascher, Wessel-Kroeschell, Sunde, Isenhart, Konfrst, Hunter, James, Cohoon, Oldson, Jacoby, Ehlert, Ourth, McKean, Meyer, B, Lensing, Donahue, Hall, Winckler, Abdul-Samad, Bearinger, Smith, R., Wolfe, Breckenridge, Running-Marquardt, Nielsen, Olson, Forbes, Kurtz, Prichard, Dolecheck, Huseman, Bergan, Salmon, Maxwell, Baxter, Osmundson, Gassman, Mohr, Jones, Moore, Holt, Wheeler, Sieck, Sorensen, Shipley, Mommsen, Jeneary, Worthan, Meyer, A, Lohse, Paustian, Brink, Bacon, Grassley, Thompson, Bossman, Windschitl, Landon, Hagenow and Hite
A resolution celebrating July 2, 2019, as the 100th anniversary of the State of Iowa ratifying the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (Formerly HCR 105.)
February 12, 2020 Laid over under Rule 25. H.J. 266.
February 13, 2020 Resolution adopted. H.J. 270.

Bill History for House Concurrent Resolution 105

A concurrent resolution celebrating July 2, 2019, as the 100th anniversary of the State of Iowa ratifying the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. (See HR 102.)
February 06, 2020 Laid over under Rule 25. H.J. 212.

Bill History for Senate Resolution 103

A resolution celebrating July 2, 2019, as the 100th anniversary of the State of Iowa ratifying the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
February 11, 2020 Introduced, referred to Rules and Administration. S.J. 270.
February 12, 2020 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 292.
February 13, 2020 Resolution adopted. S.J. 295.