February 8, 202588GA
Bill History for House File 2075
By Kacena, Anderson, Wilburn, Hall, Konfrst, Matson, Breckenridge, Steckman, Ourth, Williams, Staed, McKean, Bearinger, Kurtz, Hunter, Ehlert, Lensing, Winckler, Donahue, Smith, M., Wolfe, Meyer, B, Mascher, Kurth, Smith, R., Nielsen, Isenhart, Abdul-Samad, Kressig, Derry, Sunde, Gaines, Mcconkey, Brown-Powers, James, Gaskill, Prichard and Oldson
A bill for an act relating to employee organization elections administered by the public employment relations board and including effective date and applicability provisions.
January 22, 2020 | Introduced, referred to Labor. H.J. 114. |