February 13, 202587GA
Bill History for House File 2081
Last Committee Assignment: Agriculture
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5215XSSF2009
(C)SF2009 (S)SF293
By Steckman, Hunter, Lensing, Winckler, Kurth, Staed, Mascher, Kressig, Jacoby, Isenhart, Oldson, Bennett, Kacena, Meyer, Taylor, T., Anderson, Gaskill and Wolfe
A bill for an act establishing an advisory committee to evaluate the use and value of the master matrix when approving a permit to construct a confinement feeding operation structure, and including effective date provisions.
January 23, 2018 Introduced, referred to Agriculture. H.J. 137.
January 29, 2018 Subcommittee: Paustian, Cohoon and Klein. H.J. 163.

Bill History for Senate File 2009

A bill for an act establishing an advisory committee to evaluate the use and value of the master matrix when approving a permit to construct a confinement feeding operation structure, and including effective date provisions.
January 08, 2018 Introduced, referred to Agriculture. S.J. 41.
January 09, 2018 Subcommittee: Shipley, Edler, and Kinney. S.J. 69.