February 10, 202586GA
Bill History for Senate File 169
Last Committee Assignment: Human Resources
By Mathis, Bolkcom, Hogg, Dotzler, Dvorsky, Ragan, Allen, Sodders, Quirmbach, Hart, Schoenjahn, Jochum, Gronstal, Courtney, Dearden, Horn, Taylor, Wilhelm, Petersen, Bisignano, Kinney, McCoy, Seng and Brase
A bill for an act relating to the establishment of an evidence-based depression screening and treatment program for older individuals.
February 05, 2015 Introduced, referred to Human Resources. S.J. 239.
February 10, 2015 Subcommittee, Mathis, Segebart, and Taylor. S.J. 270.
February 16, 2015 Returned to committee.
December 31, 2015 * * * * * END OF 2015 ACTIONS * * * * *