February 8, 202585GA
Bill History for Senate Resolution 107
Floor Managers:Quirmbach
Last Committee Assignment: Rules & Administration
By D. Johnson, Kapucian, Guth, Greiner, Chapman, Boettger, Whitver, Ernst, Dix, Sinclair, Breitbach, Zumbach, Zaun, Garrett, Feenstra, Segebart, Behn, Bertrand, Anderson, Schneider, Smith, Seng, Danielson, Dotzler, Dvorsky, Hogg, Hart, Bolkcom, Ragan, Brase, Hatch, Beall, Quirmbach, Schoenjahn, Black, Petersen, Jochum, Gronstal, Sodders, Dearden, Horn, Courtney, Wilhelm, Bowman and McCoy
A resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act, the founding legislation of the nationwide Cooperative Extension System.
February 17, 2014 Resolution filed, referred to Rules & Administration. S.J. 270.
March 25, 2014 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 636.
March 27, 2014 Resolution adopted. S.J. 652.