February 12, 202585GA
Bill History for House Resolution 104
Floor Managers:Beall
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LSB 5689SSSR102
By Lofgren, Kelley, Rogers, Berry, Landon, Sheets, Thomas, Miller, H., Hanusa, Alons, Bearinger, Drake, Jorgensen, Moore, Taylor, R., Gaskill, Wood, Kaufmann, Ourth, Dunkel, Schultz, Gassman, Heddens, Deyoe, Jacoby and Mascher
A resolution honoring the over 200 years of peace, prosperity, and kinship between the peoples of Canada and the United States, and recognizing February 4, 2014, as Canada Day at the Iowa Capitol.
February 03, 2014 Resolution filed, laid over under Rule 25. H.J. 146.
February 04, 2014 Resolution adopted. H.J. 148.

Bill History for Senate Resolution 102

A resolution honoring the over 200 years of peace, prosperity, and kinship between the peoples of Canada and the United States, and recognizing February 4, 2014, as Canada Day at the Iowa Capitol.
January 27, 2014 Resolution filed, referred to Rules & Administration. S.J. 132.
February 03, 2014 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 172.
February 04, 2014 Resolution adopted. S.J. 177.