February 13, 202584GA
Bill History for House File 93
Last Committee Assignment: Commerce
By Smith, M., Petersen, Abdul-Samad, Hunter, Lensing, Running-Marquardt, Wessel-Kroeschell, Mascher, Oldson, Heddens, Isenhart, Hall, Kearns, Kelley, Gaskill, Hanson, Steckman and Kajtazovic
A bill for an act relating to third-party payment of health care coverage costs for mental health conditions, including alcohol or substance abuse treatment services, creation of a mental health insurance advisory committee, and including applicability provisions and a repeal.
January 24, 2011 Introduced, referred to Commerce. H.J. 151.
January 26, 2011 Subcommittee, Horbach, Oldson, and J. Smith. H.J. 166.
December 31, 2011 * * * * * END OF 2011 ACTIONS * * * * *