February 9, 202584GA
Bill History for House File 2048
Floor Managers: Rogers
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5038HVHF2214
LSB 5038XSSF2228
LSB 5038HZHF2450
By Rogers, Arnold, Raecker, Cownie, Taylor, J., Sands, Hagenow, Sweeney, Deyoe, Koester, Schultz, Watts, Pearson, Massie, Iverson, Van Engelenhoven, Garrett, Moore, Smith, J., Lofgren, Fry, Rasmussen, Vander Linden and Pettengill
January 18, 2012 | Introduced, referred to Transportation. H.J. 105. | |
January 18, 2012 | Subcommittee, Rogers, Murphy, and Watts. H.J. 106. | |
February 01, 2012 | Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet. | |
April 03, 2012 | Withdrawn. H.J. 729. |
Bill History for House File 2214
February 02, 2012 | Introduced, placed on calendar. H.J. 196. | |
February 09, 2012 | Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet. | |
March 13, 2012 | Amendments H-8233, H-8234, H-8235, H-8236, H-8239, H-8245, H-8246, H-8247, and H-8251 filed. H.J. 563. | |
March 13, 2012 | Amendments H-8252, H-8253, H-8254, H-8255, H-8256, H-8257, H-8258, and H-8259 filed. H.J. 563. | |
March 13, 2012 | Amendment H-8262 filed. H.J. 564. | |
March 14, 2012 | Amendments H-8263 and H-8266 filed. H.J. 570. | |
March 15, 2012 | Referred to Appropriations. H.J. 573. | |
March 20, 2012 | Subcommittee, Rogers, T. Olson, and Watts. H.J. 613. | |
April 03, 2012 | Withdrawn. H.J. 729. |
Bill History for Senate File 2228
A bill for an act prohibiting the use of automated traffic law enforcement systems, and including effective date provisions.
February 20, 2012 | Introduced, referred to Transportation. S.J. 281. | |
February 21, 2012 | Subcommittee, Rielly, Hancock, and Zaun. S.J. 303. |
Bill History for House File 2450
March 22, 2012 | Introduced, placed on Appropriations calendar. H.J. 635. | |
March 26, 2012 | Amendments H-8333, H-8334, and H-8343 filed. H.J. 644. | |
March 27, 2012 | Amendment H-8360 filed. H.J. 671. | |
March 29, 2012 | Amendments H-8392, H-8394, and H-8396 filed. H.J. 707. | |
March 28, 2012 | Fiscal note. House Clip Sheet. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendment H-8394 adopted. H.J. 725. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendment H-8343 as amended, lost. H.J. 725. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendments H-8396 and H-8392 lost. H.J. 726. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendment H-8408 filed, lost. H.J. 727. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendments H-8333 and H-8334 lost. H.J. 727. | |
April 03, 2012 | Amendment H-8360 lost. H.J. 728. | |
April 03, 2012 | Passed House, ayes 58, nays 42. H.J. 728. | |
April 03, 2012 | Immediate message. H.J. 731. | |
April 04, 2012 | Message from House. S.J. 720. | |
April 04, 2012 | Read first time, referred to Transportation. S.J. 720. |