February 12, 202581GA
Bill History for Senate Study Bill 1111
A study bill for an act relating to the administration of the department of agriculture and land stewardship, by providing for its powers and duties. 2-8-05 Subcommittee: Ragan, Putney, Rielly, and Hahn. SF 200.
In Agriculture
February 08, 2005 | Recorded |
February 08, 2005 | Agriculture: Putney Chair, Ragan Chair, Hahn, Rielly |
All Related Bills to Selected Study Bill
Source Version | To Version |
LSB 1222DP | Senate Study Bill 1111 |
LSB 1222SV | Senate File 200 |
Bill History for Senate File 200
A bill for an act relating to the administration of the department of agriculture and land stewardship, by providing for its powers and duties. (Formerly SSB 1111.) Effective 7-1-05.
February 23, 2005 | Introduced, placed on calendar. S.J. 332. |
February 23, 2005 | Committee report, approving bill. S.J. 336. |
March 14, 2005 | Passed Senate, ayes 50, nays none. S.J. 475. |
March 14, 2005 | Immediate message. S.J. 475. |
March 14, 2005 | Message from Senate. H.J. 650. |
March 15, 2005 | Read first time, referred to Agriculture. H.J. 672. |
March 22, 2005 | Subcommittee, Struyk, Huseman and Mertz. H.J. 834. |
April 07, 2005 | Committee report, recommending amendment and passage. H.J. 1165. |
April 07, 2005 | Committee amendment H-1344 filed. H.J. 1168. |
April 14, 2005 | Placed on calendar under unfinished business. H.J. 1250. |
April 27, 2005 | Amendment H-1540 filed. H.J. 1600. |
April 28, 2005 | Committee amendment H-1344 adopted. H.J. 1612. |
April 28, 2005 | Amendment H-1585 to H-1540 filed. H.J. 1616. |
April 28, 2005 | Amendment H-1585 to H-1540 lost. H.J. 1617. |
April 28, 2005 | Amendment H-1540 adopted. H.J. 1617. |
April 28, 2005 | Passed House, ayes 99, nays none. H.J. 1617. |
April 28, 2005 | Immediate message. H.J. 1623. |
April 28, 2005 | Message from House, with amendment S-3208. S.J. 1069. |
May 02, 2005 | Amendment S-3224 filed. S.J. 1100. |
May 04, 2005 | Amendment S-3250 filed. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Amendment S-3253 filed, adopted. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Amendment S-3250 as amended, adopted. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Amendment S-3224 ruled out of order. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Senate concurred with S-3208, as amended. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Passed Senate, ayes 50, nays none. S.J. 1124. |
May 04, 2005 | Immediate message. S.J. 1125. |
May 05, 2005 | Message from Senate. H.J. 1740. |
May 05, 2005 | Senate amendment H-1630 filed. H.J. 1745. |
May 20, 2005 | House refused to concur H-1630. H.J. 1959. |
May 20, 2005 | Immediate message. H.J. 1959. |
May 20, 2005 | Message from House. S.J. 1201. |
May 20, 2005 | Senate insisted. S.J. 1205. |
May 20, 2005 | Senate conference committee appointed, Kettering, Black, Houser, Johnson, Ragan, and Schoenjahn. S.J. 1205. |
May 20, 2005 | Immediate message. S.J. 1206. |
May 20, 2005 | Message from Senate. H.J. 2013. |
May 20, 2005 | House conference committee appointed Greiner, Kurtenbach, Rasmussen, Mertz and Hogg. H.J. 2013. |
May 20, 2005 | Conference committee report filed. S.J. 1231. |
May 20, 2005 | Conference committee report adopted. S.J. 1231. |
May 20, 2005 | Passed Senate, ayes 48, nays none. S.J. 1232. |
May 20, 2005 | Immediate message. S.J. 1232. |
May 20, 2005 | Conference committee report filed. H.J. 2222. |
May 20, 2005 | Conference committee report. H.J. 2222. |
May 20, 2005 | Conference committee report adopted. H.J. 2226. |
May 20, 2005 | Passed House, ayes 98, nays none. H.J. 2226. |
May 20, 2005 | Explanation of vote. H.J. 2228. |
May 20, 2005 | Immediate message. H.J. 2227. |
May 20, 2005 | Message from House. S.J. 1236. |
May 20, 2005 | Reported correctly enrolled, signed by President and Speaker. S.J. 1237. |
May 20, 2005 | Sent to Governor. S.J. 1237. |
June 15, 2005 | Signed by Governor. S.J. 1238. |
January 09, 2006 | * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * * |