February 8, 202581GA
Bill History for Senate File 273
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LSB 2581HHHF600
By Bolkcom, Dearden, Seng, Kreiman, Dvorsky, Beall, Connolly, Fraise, Quirmbach, Kibbie, Black, Courtney, Schoenjahn, Wood and Ragan
A bill for an act relating to the sale, issuance, and redemption of gift certificates including providing for abandonment, establishing restrictions on fees and charges, prohibiting expiration dates and other restrictive terms, and making penalties applicable.
March 07, 2005 Introduced, referred to Commerce. S.J. 410.
March 08, 2005 Subcommittee, Bolkcom, Kettering, Beall, and McKinley. S.J. 431.
January 09, 2006 * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * *

Bill History for House File 600

A bill for an act relating to the sale, issuance, and redemption of gift certificates including providing for abandonment, establishing restrictions on fees and charges, prohibiting expiration dates and other restrictive terms, and making penalties applicable.
March 04, 2005 Introduced, referred to Commerce, Regulations & Labor. H.J. 554.
January 09, 2006 * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * *
January 31, 2006 Subcommittee, Soderberg, Petersen, and Sands. H.J. 180.