February 9, 202580GA
Bill History for House File 63
By Jochum, Reasoner, Murphy, Oldson, Whitead, Lykam, Olson, D., Myers, Bukta, Whitaker, Young, Gaskill, Berry, Frevert, Wendt, Mertz, Cohoon, Winckler, Lensing, Miller, H., Ford, Petersen, Thomas, Osterhaus, Foege, Mascher, Kuhn, Greimann, Dandekar, Heddens, Davitt, Fallon, Smith, Shoultz, Connors, Taylor, Taylor, D. and Stevens
A bill for an act relating to third-party payment of health care coverage costs for mental health conditions, including substance abuse treatment services.
January 27, 2003 | Introduced, referred to Commerce, Regulations & Labor. H.J. 168. | |
January 28, 2003 | Subcommittee, Hansen, Osterhaus and Sands. H.J. 183. | |
December 31, 2003 | * * * * * END OF 2003 ACTIONS * * * * * |