February 11, 202581GA
Bill History for House File 595
Floor Managers: Kreiman, Carroll
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 2949HVHF753
By Drake
A bill for an act requiring certain safety-related information concerning a child to be provided to a parent, guardian, or foster parent or other custodian of a child. (See Cmte. Bill HF 753)
March 04, 2005 Introduced, referred to Judiciary. H.J. 553.
March 09, 2005 Rereferred to Human Resources. H.J. 599.
March 10, 2005 Subcommittee, Carroll, Foege and Heaton. H.J. 616.
March 31, 2005 Withdrawn. H.J. 994.
January 09, 2006 * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * *

Bill History for House File 753

A bill for an act requiring certain safety-related information concerning a child to be provided to a parent, guardian, or foster parent or other custodian of a child. Effective 07-01-05.
March 15, 2005 Introduced, placed on calendar. H.J. 669.
March 24, 2005 Amendment H-1187 filed. H.J. 886.
March 30, 2005 Amendment H-1240 filed. H.J. 986.
March 31, 2005 Amendment H-1240 to H-1187 adopted. H.J. 993.
March 31, 2005 Amendment H-1187 as amended, adopted. H.J. 993.
March 31, 2005 Passed House, ayes 99, nays none. H.J. 993.
March 31, 2005 Immediate message. H.J. 995.
April 04, 2005 Message from House. S.J. 717.
April 04, 2005 Read first time, referred to Human Resources. S.J. 717.
April 05, 2005 Subcommittee, Boettger, Kreiman, Hatch, and Seymour. S.J. 746.
April 07, 2005 Committee report, recommending passage. S.J. 797.
April 14, 2005 Deferred. S.J. 902.
April 14, 2005 Placed on calendar under unfinished business. S.J. 905.
April 14, 2005 Amendment S-3126 filed. S.J. 912.
April 18, 2005 Amendment S-3126 withdrawn. S.J. 931.
April 18, 2005 Passed Senate, ayes 49, nays none. S.J. 932.
April 18, 2005 Immediate message. S.J. 933.
April 19, 2005 Message from Senate. H.J. 1266.
May 10, 2005 Reported correctly enrolled, signed by Speaker and President. H.J. 1861.
May 10, 2005 Sent to Governor. H.J. 1861.
May 12, 2005 Signed by Governor. H.J. 1946.
January 09, 2006 * * * * * END OF 2005 ACTIONS * * * * *