February 7, 202584GA
Bill History for House File 223
By Watts
A bill for an act relating to filling vacancies in elective city offices. (See Cmte. Bill HF 569)
Date (Click to Sort)
February 08, 2011 Introduced, referred to Local Government. H.J. 293.
February 16, 2011 Subcommittee, J. Smith, Berry, and Horbach. H.J. 353.
March 01, 2011 Subcommittee reassigned, J. Smith, Arnold, Baltimore, Berry, Gaines, Wagner, and Wittneben. H.J. 473.
March 16, 2011 Withdrawn. H.J. 707.
December 31, 2011 * * * * * END OF 2011 ACTIONS * * * * *