February 7, 202588GA
Bill History for House File 2589 - Status: Signed by Governor
Floor Managers: Klein
All Related Bills to Selected Bill
LSB 5589YCHSB653
A bill for an act concerning the medical cannabidiol Act and marijuana. (Formerly HSB 653.) Effective date: 07/01/2020.
February 27, 2020 Introduced, placed on calendar. H.J. 404.
March 06, 2020 Amendments H-8101 and H-8104 filed. H.J. 518.
March 09, 2020 Amendments H-8119, H-8120, H-8126, H-8128, H-8129 and H-8130 filed. H.J. 534.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8104, to amendment H-8101 withdrawn. H.J. 558.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8101 lost. H.J. 559.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8142, to amendment H-8128 filed. H.J. 559.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8142, to amendment H-8128 lost. H.J. 560.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8143, to amendment H-8128 filed. H.J. 560.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8143, to amendment H-8128 lost. H.J. 561.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8144, to amendment H-8128 filed. H.J. 561.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8144, to amendment H-8128 lost. H.J. 562.
March 10, 2020 Point of order raised on H-8128, ruled not germane. H.J. 562.
March 10, 2020 Motion to suspend rules for consideration of H-8128. H.J. 562.
March 10, 2020 Motion to suspend rules prevailed. H.J. 563.
March 10, 2020 Amendment H-8128 adopted. H.J. 563.
March 10, 2020 Amendments H-8119, H-8120, H-8126, H-8129 and H-8130 out of order. H.J. 563.
March 10, 2020 video Passed House, yeas 52, nays 48. H.J. 564.
March 10, 2020 Immediate message. H.J. 564.
March 11, 2020 Message from House. S.J. 590.
March 11, 2020 Read first time, attached to similar SF 2363. S.J. 590.
June 03, 2020 Substituted for SF 2363. S.J. 645.
June 03, 2020 video Passed Senate, yeas 32, nays 17. S.J. 646.
June 03, 2020 Immediate message. S.J. 649.
June 03, 2020 Message from Senate. H.J. 611.
June 16, 2020 Reported correctly enrolled, signed by Speaker and President, and sent to Governor. H.J. 788.
June 29, 2020 Signed by Governor. H.J. 791.
Signed Enrolled Bill (PDF)
Acts Chapter 1116
Summary of Legislation

Bill History for House Study Bill 653

A bill for an act concerning the medical cannabidiol Act. (See HF 2589.)
February 06, 2020 Subcommittee: Klein, Holt and Breckenridge. H.J. 208.
February 10, 2020 Subcommittee Meeting: 02/11/2020 8:00AM RM 308.
February 11, 2020 Subcommittee recommends passage.
February 19, 2020 Committee report, recommending amendment and passage. H.J. 312.