Iowa Administrative Code - 07/27/2022

Workers’ Compensation Division [876] | Agency Listing
Chapter 4 CONTESTED CASES | Chapter Listing (Official Version - PDF format)
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876.4.1 Contested cases.
876.4.2 Separate evidentiary hearing or consolidation of proceedings.
876.4.3 Compliance proceedings.
876.4.4 Request for hearing.
876.4.5 Commencement by commissioner.
876.4.6 Original notice and petition.
876.4.7 Delivery of notice, orders, rulings and decisions.
876.4.8 Filing of notice.
876.4.9 Appearance and responses, pleadings, motions and settlements.
876.4.10 Insurance carrier as a party.
876.4.11 Signatures on documents and papers.
876.4.12 Service on parties.
876.4.13 Method of service.
876.4.14 Filing of documents and papers.
876.4.15 Proof of service.
876.4.16 Request for copy.
876.4.17 Service of records and reports.
876.4.18 Medical evidence and discovery.
876.4.19 Prehearing procedure.
876.4.20 Prehearing conference.
876.4.21 Prehearing conference record.
876.4.22 Orders.
876.4.23 Assignment for hearing.
876.4.24 Rehearing.
876.4.25 Appeal when rehearing requested.
876.4.26 Rescinded
876.4.27 Appeal.
876.4.28 Briefing requirements on appeal.
876.4.29 Review upon motion.
876.4.30 Transcript on appeal or review.
876.4.31 Completion of contested case record.
876.4.32 Recording of proceedings.
876.4.33 Costs.
876.4.34 Dismissal for lack of prosecution.
876.4.35 Rules of civil procedure.
876.4.36 Compliance with order or rules.
876.4.37 Waiver of contested case provisions.
876.4.38 Recusal.
876.4.39 Filing by facsimile transmission (fax).
876.4.40 Dispute resolution.
876.4.41 Evidence.
876.4.42 Binding arbitration.
876.4.43 Summary trial.
876.4.44 Expedited proceeding—criteria.
876.4.45 Length of briefs.
876.4.46 Contested case proceedings—health service disputes.
876.4.47 Second injury fund benefits contested cases.
876.4.48 Application for alternate care.
876.4.49 Method of holding hearing.
876.4.50 Vocational training, education, and supplies.
876.4.51 Agency notice of judicial review matters.
876.4.52 Rules of electronic procedure.