193.7.1 Definitions. |
193.7.2 Scope and applicability of the Iowa Rules of Civil Procedure. |
193.7.3 Commencement of a contested case and probable cause. |
193.7.4 Informal settlement. |
193.7.5 Statement of charges. |
193.7.6 Notice of hearing. |
193.7.7 Legal representation. |
193.7.8 Requests for contested case proceeding. |
193.7.9 Form of answer. |
193.7.10 Presiding officer. |
193.7.11 Time requirements. |
193.7.12 Waiver of procedures. |
193.7.13 Telephone and electronic proceedings. |
193.7.14 Disqualification. |
193.7.15 Consolidation—severance. |
193.7.16 Amendments. |
193.7.17 Service and filing of pleadings and other papers. |
193.7.18 Discovery. |
193.7.19 Issuance of subpoenas in a contested case. |
193.7.20 Motions. |
193.7.21 Prehearing conference and disclosures. |
193.7.22 Continuances. |
193.7.23 Withdrawals. |
193.7.24 Intervention. |
193.7.25 Hearings. |
193.7.26 Evidence. |
193.7.27 Default. |
193.7.28 Ex parte communication. |
193.7.29 Recording costs. |
193.7.30 Final decisions, publication and client notification. |
193.7.31 Interlocutory appeals. |
193.7.32 Appeals and review. |
193.7.33 Applications for rehearing. |
193.7.34 Stays of board actions. |
193.7.35 No factual dispute contested cases. |
193.7.36 Emergency adjudicative proceedings. |
193.7.37 Judicial review. |
193.7.38 Reinstatement. |
193.7.39 Hearing on license denial. |
193.7.40 Denial of application to renew license. |
193.7.41 Recovery of hearing fees and expenses. |
193.7.42 Settlement after notice of hearing. |
193.7.43 Suspension or revocation of a license upon receipt of certificate of noncompliance—child support. |
193.7.44 Suspension or revocation of license upon receipt of a certificate of noncompliance—student loan. |
193.7.45 Suspension or revocation of a license upon receipt of certificate of noncompliance—state debt. |