House File 2602 - Reprinted HOUSE FILE 2602 BY COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (SUCCESSOR TO HSB 575) (As Amended and Passed by the House March 7, 2024 ) A BILL FOR An Act establishing a criminal offense of grooming and 1 providing penalties. 2 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 3 HF 2602 (3) 90 as/js/md
H.F. 2602 Section 1. NEW SECTION . 709.8A Grooming. 1 1. A person commits grooming when the person knowingly 2 performs an act in person or by conduct through a third party, 3 uses a computer, internet service, or any other electronic 4 storage or transmission device, or uses written communication 5 to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, or attempt to seduce, 6 solicit, lure, or entice, a child or a person believed to be a 7 child to commit any unlawful sex act or to otherwise engage in 8 unlawful sexual conduct. As used in this section, “child” means 9 a person under eighteen years of age. 10 2. Grooming is a class “D” felony. 11 -1- HF 2602 (3) 90 as/js/md 1/ 1