Senate File 359 - Introduced SENATE FILE 359 BY COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION (SUCCESSOR TO SF 162) A BILL FOR An Act relating to the charging procedure for scheduled 1 violations for exceeding weight limits on an axle or 2 vehicle. 3 BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA: 4 TLSB 1708SV (1) 90 th/ns
S.F. 359 Section 1. Section 805.8A, subsection 12, paragraph e, Code 1 2023, is amended to read as follows: 2 e. (1) Violations of the schedule of axle , and tandem axle , 3 and gross or group of axle axles, and gross weight violations 4 limits in section 321.463 shall be scheduled violations subject 5 to the uniform citation and complaint provisions, procedures, 6 and exceptions contained in sections 805.6 through 805.11 , 7 irrespective of the amount of the scheduled fine under that 8 schedule . 9 (a) Violations of the schedule of weight violations shall be 10 chargeable, where the fine charged does not exceed one thousand 11 dollars, only by uniform citation and complaint. 12 (b) Violations of the schedule of weight violations, where 13 the fine charged exceeds one thousand dollars shall, when the 14 violation is admitted and section 805.9 applies, be chargeable 15 upon uniform citation and complaint, indictment, or county 16 attorney’s information, but otherwise shall be chargeable only 17 upon indictment or county attorney’s information. 18 (2) In all cases of charges under the schedule of weight 19 violations, the charge citation and complaint shall specify the 20 amount of fine charged under the schedule. Where a defendant 21 is convicted and the fine under the foregoing schedule of 22 weight violations exceeds one thousand dollars, the conviction 23 shall be of an indictable offense although section 805.9 is 24 employed and whether the violation is charged upon uniform 25 citation and complaint, indictment, or county attorney’s 26 information. 27 EXPLANATION 28 The inclusion of this explanation does not constitute agreement with 29 the explanation’s substance by the members of the general assembly. 30 Under current law, Code sections 805.6 through 805.11 31 authorize the commissioner of public safety, the director of 32 transportation, and the director of the department of natural 33 resources to adopt a uniform citation and complaint, and 34 associated procedures, for charging traffic violations and 35 -1- LSB 1708SV (1) 90 th/ns 1/ 2
S.F. 359 other violations which are designated as scheduled violations. 1 Code section 321.463 limits the maximum gross weight of a 2 vehicle based on the number and type of axles and the distance 3 between the axles on the vehicle. A violation results in a 4 scheduled fine ranging from $12 to $2,200 plus 10 cents per 5 pound in excess of 20,000 pounds over the limit. 6 Current law requires weight limit violations resulting in a 7 fine exceeding $1,000, when the violation is admitted, to be 8 chargeable upon uniform citation and complaint, indictment, or 9 county attorney’s information. However, if the violation is 10 not admitted, the violation is chargeable only upon indictment 11 or county attorney’s information. 12 This bill makes such violations of Code section 321.463 13 a scheduled violation subject to the uniform citation and 14 complaint provisions, procedures, and exceptions, irrespective 15 of the amount of the scheduled fine. 16 The bill makes conforming changes to Code section 17 805.8A(12)(e), but does not change the scheduled fine amount 18 for any violation. 19 -2- LSB 1708SV (1) 90 th/ns 2/ 2