Senate Resolution 28 - Introduced


  1  1                SENATE RESOLUTION NO.    
  1  2                 BY  GRONSTAL and LUNDBY
  1  3 A Resolution to thank the men and women who worked so
  1  4    long and so hard to restore electricity to Iowans
  1  5    throughout the state.
  1  6    WHEREAS, between February 24 and March 2, 2007, one
  1  7 of the worst winter storms in recent memory came to
  1  8 Iowa with a vengeance; a sudden ice storm left over
  1  9 260,000 Iowans without power, followed by a blizzard
  1 10 bringing 18 inches of snow in some areas and howling
  1 11 winds that piled drifts four to six feet deep; and
  1 12    WHEREAS, the wind and ice combined to seriously
  1 13 damage Iowa's electrical grid; and
  1 14    WHEREAS, the toll was staggering:  250 miles of
  1 15 transmission lines down or damaged, 1,000 distribution
  1 16 lines damaged, and thousands of utility poles and
  1 17 structures destroyed; and
  1 18    WHEREAS, against this looming disaster the men and
  1 19 women of Iowa's investor=owned utility companies,
  1 20 rural electric cooperatives, and municipal utility
  1 21 providers and those of other states came forward by
  1 22 the thousands, along with members of the Iowa National
  1 23 Guard, the Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  1 24 Division of the Department of Public Defense, and the
  1 25 American Red Cross; and
  1 26    WHEREAS, working around=the=clock in daunting
  1 27 weather conditions, where white=outs, ice, high winds,
  1 28 and closed roads hampered every effort, these
  1 29 dedicated crews had largely restored service by early
  1 30 March and averted a crisis; NOW THEREFORE,
  2  1    BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, That the Senate, with
  2  2 great respect, conveys its thanks to those men and
  2  3 women from Iowa, the Midwest, and other states who
  2  4 came forward and took charge in a time of crisis, and
  2  5 through their tireless efforts brought light, heat,
  2  6 and comfort back to hundreds of thousands of Iowans.
  2  7 LSB 2855SS 82
  2  8 jr:nh/gg/14.1
