House File 434 H-1126 Amend House File 434 as follows: 1 1. Page 5, lines 2 and 3, by striking < shall specifically > 2 and inserting < specifically shall not > 3 2. Page 5, line 11, after < time > by inserting < , but shall 4 only provide for payment of a self-administered hormonal 5 contraceptive as prescribed by a practitioner following 6 the applicable standard of care for the prescribing of a 7 self-administered hormonal contraceptive > 8 3. Page 8, by striking lines 3 through 10. 9 4. Page 9, after line 1 by inserting: 10 < Sec. ___. MEDICAID COVERAGE —— SELF-ADMINISTERED HORMONAL 11 CONTRACEPTIVES. The department of human services shall not 12 require under Medicaid fee-for-service and Medicaid managed 13 care administration, coverage for a self-administered hormonal 14 contraceptive as prescribed by a practitioner as defined 15 in section 155A.3, or as prescribed by standing order and 16 dispensed by a pharmacist pursuant to section 155A.47, for 17 up to an initial three-month supply of the self-administered 18 hormonal contraceptive dispensed at one time and for up to a 19 twelve-month supply of the same self-administered hormonal 20 contraceptive subsequently dispensed at one time, but shall 21 only provide for coverage of a self-administered hormonal 22 contraceptive as prescribed by a practitioner following 23 the applicable standard of care for the prescribing of a 24 self-administered hormonal contraceptive. > 25 5. Title page, line 1, after < of > by inserting < and health 26 care coverage related to > 27 6. By renumbering as necessary. 28 ______________________________ SALMON of Black Hawk -1- HF434.940 (2) 89 pf/rh 1/ 2 #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6.
______________________________ JACOBSEN of Pottawattamie ______________________________ CISNEROS of Muscatine -2- HF434.940 (2) 89 pf/rh 2/ 2