House File 561 S-5133 Amend House File 561, as amended, passed, and 1 reprinted by the House, as follows: 2 1. Page 11, after line 20 by inserting: 3 < Sec. ___. NEW SECTION . 476A.3A Nuclear generating 4 facility applications —— restriction. 5 In the case of an application to construct a 6 nuclear generation facility, notwithstanding any other 7 provision to the contrary, an application may not be 8 submitted until the board has completed a fuel cycle 9 analysis of nuclear power to determine the amount of 10 fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions during the 11 mining, milling, separation, enrichment, fabrication, 12 and disposal of nuclear fuel, using both high-grade 13 and low-grade uranium, and during the construction, 14 operation, decommissioning, and dismantling of nuclear 15 generation facilities, and adopts a rule requiring the 16 offset of any greenhouse gas emissions from the nuclear 17 fuel cycle. > 18 2. By renumbering as necessary. 19 ______________________________ ROBERT M. HOGG -1- HF561.5351 (2) 84 rn/nh 1/ 1 #1. #2.