House File 561 S-5126 Amend the amendment, S-5090, to House File 561, 1 as amended, passed, and reprinted by the House, as 2 follows: 3 1. Page 2, by striking lines 2 through 6 and 4 inserting: 5 < ___. Page 8, by striking lines 8 through 16 and 6 inserting: 7 < (d) In the event the utility elects not to 8 complete or is precluded from completing construction 9 of the nuclear generation facility, cost collection 10 pursuant to this subparagraph (2) shall cease and the 11 utility shall fully refund to customers all amounts 12 included in rates as of the date construction is 13 terminated or precluded attributable to permitting, 14 licensing, and construction of the facility. >> 15 2. By renumbering as necessary. 16 ______________________________ ROBERT M. HOGG -1- S5090.5136 (2) 84 rn/nh 1/ 1 #1. #2.