House Amendment 1047


     1  1    Amend House File 396 as follows:
     1  2 #1.  Page 10, by inserting after line 23 the
     1  3 following:
     1  4    <Sec.    .  SMALLPOX VACCINATIONS.  It is the
     1  5 intent of the general assembly that public safety
     1  6 workers, smallpox response teams, and others who will
     1  7 be required to be vaccinated pursuant to the federal
     1  8 Homeland Security Act be protected from both health=
     1  9 related and other results of the federally required
     1 10 vaccination.  State and local government should work
     1 11 with employees in the public safety areas or response
     1 12 teams to achieve the following:
     1 13    1.  Vaccinations should be given only on a
     1 14 voluntary basis.
     1 15    2.  Extensive screening should be employed to
     1 16 protect those workers who would be at risk from
     1 17 current health conditions if vaccinated.
     1 18    3.  Reprisals or discrimination for workers not
     1 19 voluntarily receiving vaccinations should be
     1 20 prohibited.
     1 21    4.  Public employers should protect employees from
     1 22 loss of income or seniority as a result of side
     1 23 effects from vaccinations.  Homeland security moneys
     1 24 received from the federal government should include a
     1 25 set=aside to purchase supplemental insurance for
     1 26 public safety or response employees to cover those
     1 27 reactions not covered by traditional employer=provided
     1 28 health insurance.
     1 29    5.  Disability or long=term reactions from
     1 30 vaccinations should be considered a work=related
     1 31 injury and should be covered by local or state
     1 32 policies governing disability.
     1 33    6.  Vaccinations should be scheduled at staggered
     1 34 times to allow for normal loss of staff time because
     1 35 of vaccination=related illnesses without seriously
     1 36 hampering public safety service.
     1 37    7.  Vaccinations administered in Iowa should meet
     1 38 the requirements of the federal Needlestick Safety and
     1 39 Prevention Act of 2000 that requires safety features
     1 40 in the use of needles to administer medicine.
     1 41    8.  The Iowa department of public health and the
     1 42 division of emergency management of the department of
     1 43 public defense should coordinate efforts to ensure
     1 44 adequate supplies of vaccinia immune globulin and
     1 45 cidofovir and other appropriate medical care and
     1 46 pharmaceuticals to protect those employees who suffer
     1 47 reactions to vaccinations.>
     1 48 #2.  By renumbering as necessary.
     1 49
     1 50
     2  1                               
     2  2 MURPHY of Dubuque
     2  3 HF 396.302 80
     2  4 pf/cf
